The Mustang Forum for Track & Racing Enthusiasts

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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

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Save the dawn for your dishes!!!
I just pre registered for the show and signed up for the Downtown Ford Parade for an extra 10 bucks. Anyone else going to go to the Parade? I will be bringing my 10'x10' mustang tent thing with me cause last time I got super sun burned. it would be cool to get us members here to park together. I entered the 2012 up boss catagory
I just signed up for the show and will have my PW 12 Boss there on Friday and hopefully Sunday. It is only about 100 miles away for me so I'll commute. Should be a lot of fun, I go every year, but this is the first year that I will bring a car into the show. It will be nice to see a lot of new Boss 302's together. If you are a Ford person and haven't made this show, you should.
GT350 said:
I just signed up for the show and will have my PW 12 Boss there on Friday and hopefully Sunday. It is only about 100 miles away for me so I'll commute. Should be a lot of fun, I go every year, but this is the first year that I will bring a car into the show. It will be nice to see a lot of new Boss 302's together. If you are a Ford person and haven't made this show, you should.
I agree I have been too two others before. and the price of entry to show you car usually equals out with all the free stuff I get walking around. I would go every year but im in the navy and I am not always able to go
I attended this many times, along with a fellow member on this forum ( 06 mach1)

Its a 5-6 hr ride for me , but it is nice to go to especially if your a Ford Fan, the show is very well organized by Car model and Ford is there doing on the spot modifications to your car, theres also on grounds Dyno, etc etc.

Im still debateing wether I am going this year..
how else got theirs in the mail today?
First day wasn't to bad despite the weather. So far got one free t-shirt, some form of boss 302 poster from the ford racing tent. Not sure why the YB boss 302 was parked in the 70's mach 1 area but ok. there are two 2013 black LS at the show one is on the hill and one is parked where its supposed to park. As well there is a GHIG and GB 2013. Pretty sure all the 13's are going to get all the votes but oh well.

It was great meeting and talking with you KYBOSS!!
Had a great time at Carlisle, good to meet all of the Boss owners that came out, lost count of the number at one time I had tracked 32 but as I walked around and we had more all over the field, it is safe to say 40 plus!

Had to rib Boss2511 about my sore arm and the lost hours of Zaino, but after the drive there the bugs fell off. This was after my 600 mile trip, one way. Thanks for your help, good guy.

Short story, I had purchased my LS after last years show, after talking to the 4 Boss owners last year, the one B/R LS that was there, came back this year, I had a good time retelling the how I found my car. I left KY with only 1,352 miles, came back with 2,606 miles, and a big grin ;D she did great. I have a gas log book for her, I'll give a report later.

We had one K/B Boss that got hit with a UFO from a 18 wheeler, not bad, could have been! All of us gave him support. I will post about this trip later with PHOTO's.
The black '13 on the hill was our's. Since we registered as a club (not model) with the Roush Road Crew as we wanted to park the 2 cars we brought together, it was actually parked where it was suppose to be.
Second day parking was....well a problem. when I got there they put me in the mud with the 79 to something 4 cylinders. Besides that I had a good time. Met lots of great people. I did the parade but didnt know I would be stuck parked in the town. left after I got something to eat. I will make a separate thread with pictures. I didnt take to many the GF had the camera. Just got home today and still catching up on the normal house stuff.

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