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Barton vs. MGW?

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There are numerous testimonials around regarding the MGW shifter. It sounds like a great choice. But, I am also curious about the Barton. They claim a 40% reduction in front to back shift throw with minumal side to side reduction. I feel like the stock gates (side to side) are a bit close already, so the Barton mechanism might have some merit.

Has anyone driven a Barton equipped BOSS? Did you like it?

And, ideally, has anyone driven both a Barton and a MGW equipped BOSS and can you compare the two?

-- Jim
I don't know anyone that has installed the Barton, I don't know if that tells you anything or not. You can call MGW and Barton, then let them explain the pro and cons of their shifter.

However when was the last time you have seen a product like the MGW shifter get almost perfect reviews from such a wide range of people?
Honestly never used either one for the 11+ car, but I loved the function and bulletproof design of the MGW in my '06, and their customer service is top-notch. If I were planning on purchasing an aftermarket shifter, it would be an MGW without a second thought.
I just finished installing the mgw shifter in my boss and what a difference.I can speed shift the car now and never miss 3rd anymore.It takes all the spongy feeling of the stock shifter out.
jake74 said:
I just finished installing the mgw shifter in my boss and what a difference.I can speed shift the car now and never miss 3rd anymore.It takes all the spongy feeling of the stock shifter out.
I watched the install video and it looks like a pain in the butt to install. Was it?
It wasen't bad.The hardest part was getting the dang shift ball off,had to heat it and use a strap wrench as ford used lock tight on it from the factory.I have a lift in my shop which made it easier.I could see where it would be a pain to do on jack stands when you have to bolt the two halves together around the shift shaft as it has to be tightened from the bottom of the car.If you could get some one to hold the halves together from inside the car while you tighten it from the bottom it would make it easier on you as the bushing could slide out if the halves fall apart on you before you get it bolted together.The rest of the install is a breeze.I had my put in in less than 2hours by my self.
jake74 said:
It wasen't bad.The hardest part was getting the dang shift ball off,had to heat it and use a strap wrench as ford used lock tight on it from the factory.I have a lift in my shop which made it easier.I could see where it would be a pain to do on jack stands when you have to bolt the two halves together around the shift shaft as it has to be tightened from the bottom of the car.If you could get some one to hold the halves together from inside the car while you tighten it from the bottom it would make it easier on you as the bushing could slide out if the halves fall apart on you before you get it bolted together.The rest of the install is a breeze.I had my put in in less than 2hours by my self.


Same experience here. I installed the MGW using jack stands and the videos found on line. Easy install. Ball was a little stiff. Added heat with a hair dryer and twisted off by hand. About 3 hours alone on a creeper.

The two halves require your full attention when bolting together. The rubber boot also was a "Joy" to install.

After the install was the reward. Firmer shifting, no doubt where the gates are. The OE bushings in the shifter are a bit soft for my taste.

Enjoy the shifter.
I think I'll have to order one. I've heard nothing but praise on this and feel as if I'm missing out. My boss doesn't shift as smooth as I think it should, but my bimmer doesn't either. Sounds like a good mod. Does anyone that's already done this by themselves think duct tape might help hold things together during the above and below work? I will probably be doing this by myself.
Since my car was new it would sometimes not go all the way into 1st gear when stopped and would pop out when you let out on the clutch,since the shifter install it has cured this problem also.
When ford put my shift ball on they must have used a whole tube of lock tight as I had to heat it with a plumbers torch as it just laughed at the hair dryer.I thought I was gonna twist the stick off it was so tight.
I also installed j&m lca's at same time as shifter,these 2 mods really helped the fun factor of the car with no more rear axle hop or missed gears.
I've had the shift ball off already when I removed the center console when I installed my stereo , I used plumbers pliers, the ones with the plastic jaws, they worked great. I Didn't have too heat it, just grunt at it a little, then it came of. Maybe beer breath works like liquid wrench. :)
YellowJacketBoss302 said:
There are numerous testimonials around regarding the MGW shifter. It sounds like a great choice. But, I am also curious about the Barton. They claim a 40% reduction in front to back shift throw with minumal side to side reduction. I feel like the stock gates (side to side) are a bit close already, so the Barton mechanism might have some merit.

Has anyone driven a Barton equipped BOSS? Did you like it?

And, ideally, has anyone driven both a Barton and a MGW equipped BOSS and can you compare the two?

-- Jim

I just installed the Barton, & it is great!
Shifts are perfect & crisp every time, and yes, it is a *dramatically* shorter throw.
One thing... - I do now get more harmonic noise from the engine & drivetrain, but that's OK with me.
One other thing, I now feel directly connected to the drivetrain...
- I too was curious about the MGW, particularly since it replaces the lower shift linkage box section (all for about the same$$$ as the Barton), not just the top. But having said that, this thing works fine, particularly since I prefer the shortest throw possible.
Construction quality & installation are both excellent.
Last, don't forget to order the kit which includes the shift linkage bracket:


The bracket alone will transform a stock shifter (or so I have read).

I too would be curious to hear from someone who has tried both Barton & MGW... The MGW also looks like a very high quality unit.

PPS - be sure to heat up the shift knob with a hair dryer or heat tool before attempting to unscrew it. - It is lock-tighted to the stock shift lever and impossible to remove without prior heat (lots).

Update - Just ordered The Driveshaft Company Alum. driveshaft. I'll report back whether any of the newly introduced harmonics are eliminated, as I have heard the Alu DS will dampen somewhat.
jake74 said:
Since my car was new it would sometimes not go all the way into 1st gear when stopped and would pop out when you let out on the clutch,since the shifter install it has cured this problem also.

That's what mine does. So now I know the solution.
CaliMR said:
jake74 said:
Since my car was new it would sometimes not go all the way into 1st gear when stopped and would pop out when you let out on the clutch,since the shifter install it has cured this problem also.

That's what mine does. So now I know the solution.
I was hoping it would fix this problem when I ordered the shifter as it sucks when your at a red light and you rev it up a little to take off then a clunk and gear grinding.It hasen't popped out again since install of shifter.
You got the MGW? The 1st gear thing is rare now with 600 miles, it did it once today while I was showing the car to my buddy but I can feel when it is in funny now and I can usually stick it to 2nd then back to 1st quick and it will go in. Totally feels like an alignment issue, like it is moving a bit.
I had mine pop out of 1st 1X, hasn't done it since but. 2nd isn't too smooth when it's cold but gets better when it warms up (no tsb's done yet) 2-3 is why I ordered the shifter from MGW, looking for a little more assurance that it's going where I intended it to go. Stocks not bad, but when I go through the gears it's a mindless habit for me and I don't think about it until something misses, and wa la, I'm glancing down at the shifter and not the road. Not something I should have to do. I've driven a manual for 30+ years so I know it's not me. Can't wait to install my shifter when it comes in 3 weeks.

ps. I have about 6000 mile on it now and seems no different then 600 miles when it comes to shifting.
The first 2 videos (Part 1 and 2 Previews) for the MGW shifter explain why the stock shifter feels the way it does. And what improvements they made and why. It's pretty good info.


racered302 said:
I had mine pop out of 1st 1X, hasn't done it since but. 2nd isn't too smooth when it's cold but gets better when it warms up (no tsb's done yet) 2-3 is why I ordered the shifter from MGW, looking for a little more assurance that it's going where I intended it to go. Stocks not bad, but when I go through the gears it's a mindless habit for me and I don't think about it until something misses, and wa la, I'm glancing down at the shifter and not the road. Not something I should have to do. I've driven a manual for 30+ years so I know it's not me. Can't wait to install my shifter when it comes in 3 weeks.

ps. I have about 6000 mile on it now and seems no different then 600 miles when it comes to shifting.
Try Redline MTL.
5 DOT 0 said:
racered302 said:
I had mine pop out of 1st 1X, hasn't done it since but. 2nd isn't too smooth when it's cold but gets better when it warms up (no tsb's done yet) 2-3 is why I ordered the shifter from MGW, looking for a little more assurance that it's going where I intended it to go. Stocks not bad, but when I go through the gears it's a mindless habit for me and I don't think about it until something misses, and wa la, I'm glancing down at the shifter and not the road. Not something I should have to do. I've driven a manual for 30+ years so I know it's not me. Can't wait to install my shifter when it comes in 3 weeks.

ps. I have about 6000 mile on it now and seems no different then 600 miles when it comes to shifting.
Try Redline MTL.

Or Royal Purple Synchromax. I've used both in my M3 and it shifts best it ever has with the Royal Purple Synchromax.

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