The Mustang Forum for Track & Racing Enthusiasts

Taking your Mustang to an open track/HPDE event for the first time? Do you race competitively? This forum is for you! Log in to remove most ads.

  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

Chuckwalla Valley Raceway February 18th and 19th

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The cost for this semi-private event is $300 with your own car. Looks like there's room for 20-25 cars and that includes the rental cars. Still awaiting more info on instructors with your own car. Please post up once you have paid and which dates you will be there. Please contact CVR directly and ask for Renee or Mickey to reserve your spot.

Disclaimer: This is not an official BOSSMustangsOnline sponsored event. I'm just convening information from CVR.

School car with instructor 1st day, School car second day:
1. Gary - cloud9, Cimarron
2. Rick - NFSBOSS, Fantasy Springs
3. John - LS110, Cimarron
4. John - fuhrius, Fantasy Springs

Personal car with no instructor:
5. BOSSBAD - Paul The 18th only
6. ArizonaGT - Drew both days, Track
7. motoviper - Ron both days, Fantasy Springs
8. captdistraction - Chris both days, Track
9. Keavdog - John the 18th only, Fantasy Springs
10. Z06 - Mike the 18th only, Fantasy Springs
11. jnathan68 - Jason The 18th only, Palm Desert
12. Grant302 - Grant The 18th only in his GT
I sent an email to them this afternoon to find out about guys bringing their own cars for open track days those two dates. I'll post up when I get an answer. Hopefully we can put together a couple Mustang days ;)
Looking forward to it. I've been staying at fantasy springs casino/hotel in indio. It's about a 50 minute drive to track. Maybe a group discount could be arranged if there's enough interest.

There are also a few camper trailers at the track that can be rented,

For those bringing your own cars, Mickey let us leave our cars & trailers at the track overnite when I was there for a two day hpde.
Keavdog said:
Looking forward to it. I've been staying at fantasy springs casino/hotel in indio. It's about a 50 minute drive to track. Maybe a group discount could be arranged if there's enough interest.

There are also a few camper trailers at the track that can be rented,

For those bringing your own cars, Mickey let us leave our cars & trailers at the track overnite when I was there for a two day hpde.
If we get this put together, you Boss guys better take it easy on those of us in the rentals :D

EDIT--How much is the two-day school? If it's less than or equal to a set of Hoosiers and skips all the basic car balance stuff this may be a better option. You said they are using 2013s now, right?
Looks like almost 300 miles. There's no direct route otherwise it would be a lot closer. Of course it's wide open desert most of the way. I once drove from Needles to Barstow, which is exactly 100 miles, in less than an hour. ;D
I saw it on google maps but as I've found in the past, sometimes it over exaggerates the time. I'm going to try and be back by the end of January so this would be a nice little treat to myself. I just need to see if it's practical.
I am guessing I'm the third guy in that Rick mentioned. I have emailed my forms and booked the flights and looking forward to getting some track time this winter, not to mention some warm weather. Given the wealth of track experience of all the rest of you, I will most likely be chasing the pack... but having fun doing it!!
LS110 said:
I am guessing I'm the third guy in that Rick mentioned. I have emailed my forms and booked the flights and looking forward to getting some track time this winter, not to mention some warm weather. Given the wealth of track experience of all the rest of you, I will most likely be chasing the pack... but having fun doing it!!
Based on your lap times at BIR I don't think you'll be chasing anyone ;) Remember, I've seen you drive at MMP 8) Definitely looking forward to some California weather in February. I would imagine we'll be under a couple feet of snow by then.
LS110 said:
I am guessing I'm the third guy in that Rick mentioned. I have emailed my forms and booked the flights and looking forward to getting some track time this winter, not to mention some warm weather. Given the wealth of track experience of all the rest of you, I will most likely be chasing the pack... but having fun doing it!!
I'm the designated driver in this group, I mean designated rolling chicane. LOL
I'll just be happy if you guys are not lapping me...

If you find any good videos of the track, please share those. I have found a couple but yet to find one showing rpms, Gs and gears. There is one of a Turbo Porsche, but the driver is so smooth I can't tell where he is braking.

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