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Confluence - The Gauge Page

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Since the lack of proper gauges in the non-LS Boss is one of the car's glaring deficiencies and likely to be addressed by most track enthusiasts, I thought it would be nice to pull together helpful installation resources in one place. I searched around and there wasn't as much information as I had hoped. I would love for this to be as Coyote/RR specific as possible.

Has anyone seen good a good installation how-to re: the LS gauge pod? I swear I thought I saw one once, but I can't find it.

In the words of Gary, I have gone and done something I said I wouldn't do. I bought the ugly LS gauge pod and a compliment of gauges. I suffer CELs and limp mode at every track day, yet I do not have a full picture of what is going on with my car. A friend suggested that he had a similar issue that turned-out to be oil temp related. I live in Texas, haven't done any cooling mods to the car...yeah, that might be relevant. I guess I better find out my oil temps.

So, I will be looking for sensor locations for:
  • water temp
  • oil temp
  • oil pressure

I will also be looking for things like preferred fuse tap locations and such.

Any links to previous threads are fine. Photos would be nice, too. If I don't get much response, I guess I'll do a How-To, but I figured this would have already been done by now. This would also be a good place for other gauge options, locations, pods, and other gauges I haven't mentioned, like differential temp.

Jimmy, I followed the TMS install thread, and did it myself last fall. I used the oil OEM oil sender location to make a tree for the oil pressure and temp senders. It takes a while for the temp sender to warm up, but does react to oil temp changes in a timely manner. I used Auto Meter Elite gauges, and am very pleased with the ability to have them change colors at certain temperatures, or pressures. I also used the dimmer module by Auto Meter, for a lower light level. I used the open plug in the console area, and purchased a Ford pigtail connector for that plug, to get switched power for the gauges and simmer module. There are some pictures in my Fotki album here:
EvocBruce said:
Jimmy, I followed the TMS install thread, and did it myself last fall. I used the oil OEM oil sender location to make a tree for the oil pressure and temp senders. It takes a while for the temp sender to warm up, but does react to oil temp changes in a timely manner. I used Auto Meter Elite gauges, and am very pleased with the ability to have them change colors at certain temperatures, or pressures. I also used the dimmer module by Auto Meter, for a lower light level. I used the open plug in the console area, and purchased a Ford pigtail connector for that plug, to get switched power for the gauges and simmer module. There are some pictures in my Fotki album here:

Bruce do you have a prat number for the connector under the console?
IMO the best place for the oil temp sensor is by using a sandwich plate on the filter housing. The sensor will stick right into the flow of oil, giving a very accurate reading. I did not like the idea of using the plate at first, but I have had no issues using it. The other reason I went this way was that I did not like the idea of the two oil sensors hanging off one fitting, which is what you have when you use the original oil pressure sensor location.
06mach1 said:
IMO the best place for the oil temp sensor is by using a sandwich plate on the filter housing. The sensor will stick right into the flow of oil, giving a very accurate reading. I did not like the idea of using the plate at first, but I have had no issues using it. The other reason I went this way was that I did not like the idea of the two oil sensors hanging off one fitting, which is what you have when you use the original oil pressure sensor location.
Which sandwich plate did you use? Do you have a link?
Sweet and inexpensive. Does that replace the stock plate or in addition to it? Can that be used with my Aeroforce gauge?

From the Aeroforce site:

Fluid Temperature Sensor Kit:
- Includes sensor and 5v regulator/signal conditioner. Fitting is 1/8" NPT. 3/8" standard OEM also available upon request.

The same with their pressure sensor. You would have had to have specifically ordered the optional 3/8" fitting for it not to work. And even if you did, you can just buy an adapter.
I used the glowshift sandwish plate (M22 x 1.5) on my 2012 Boss as well. Worked out great. I had no clearance issues with an FL820 or FL500 type filters. Oil temp gauge worked well in this location and reacted to temp changes quickly.
How are those of you with the 302S oil cooler picking up oil temperature?I have the glowshift adaptor and it is a good place for the sender.I know that it's pretty easy to exceed 260 degrees oil temp and never have the coolant over 210.I've got an inline temperature adaptor from Peterson to use but it seems it will be a tight fit.I think that using the Canton oil cooler adaptor is possible.
I'm getting close, guys. I have three out of five gauges working. I have all the parts I need, just need a little more time (preferably on a lift), and a friend who can weld. I have been doing the write-up as I go, so it will be ready as soon as I'm finished with the project. It could be as early as this week. :)
We're all anxiously awaiting your update. My next project is to install a oil temp sensor to my Aeroforce gauge and i need a little more push to get it going.

I'm looking to add this functionality to my gauge soon as well. In for results.

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