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easy improved cooling: royal purple ice ?

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was just watching Gearz on Speed channel, Stacey David mentioned this product that sounds really cool:
it *supposedly* lowers the friction of the coolant and thereby lowering temp.

kinda scared to mess with the original liquids in our Boss, but does sound promising and I like the pour it and forget it.

what do you guys think?
Re: EASY IMPROVE COOLING: royal purple ice ?

Has your car overheated yet? If not don't worry about it.
"...lowers the friction in coolant" ??? Sounds like a gimmick. Even if my car does overheat, I wouldn't use anything that "lowers friction in coolant" or anything else that smells like horse hockey. ;)
Re: EASY IMPROVE COOLING: royal purple ice ?

5 DOT 0 said:
Has your car overheated yet? If not don't worry about it.


Similar to Water Wetter claims, reduced surface tension better cooling, sounds good in theory but most of the real user data doesn't seem to live up to the claims. No offense to the Royal Purple, Redline and any other makers of these marvelous elixer's. You need to get an MSDS on this stuff and find out what it contains. Some say they are a surfactant - sounds fairly harmless - but when reading an MSDS you find out they have some nasty stuff that by itself you wouldn't think of adding to your cooling system (hard or impossible to ever flush out of hoses etc). So the old saying if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is!!

Me, I am staying with the Ford Specialty Orange Engine Coolant, I am just driving it on the street. If your car is overheating due to tracking, there are a couple of guys on here that have put on the larger Ford radiators, opened up the front for more cooling etc - they will give you lots of info.
thanks for stirring me away from it, I thought it would so much easier than opening/removing the grill, install bigger radiator etc
guess too good to be true :)

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