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engine misfire

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started the car today and noticed a miss happening at idle (no CEL). let the car warm up for 4 minutes before putting into gear and drove it to run some errands. on the way home it felt sluggish in 2nd and 3rd (2500-3500 rpm). decided to see if it would "hesitate/run rough" in third gear running at 3k, pressed the accelerator and the CEL started blinking and performance was very poor. Total round trip was approx. 6 miles.

got back to the house and retrieved the codes:

The boss has 486 miles on it, will take it into the dealership tomorrow and see what they can determine.
pinbot1966 said:
started the car today and noticed a miss happening at idle (no CEL). let the car warm up for 4 minutes before putting into gear and drove it to run some errands. on the way home it felt sluggish in 2nd and 3rd (2500-3500 rpm). decided to see if it would "hesitate/run rough" in third gear running at 3k, pressed the accelerator and the CEL started blinking and performance was very poor. Total round trip was approx. 6 miles.

got back to the house and retrieved the codes:

The boss has 486 miles on it, will take it into the dealership tomorrow and see what they can determine.

You have a number of disassociated codes. If I had to guess you are either having an issue with the wiring harness or the PCM itself. Did you happen to inadvertently get some water in the engine bay or disconnect some of the wiring (maybe while installing a mod) ? I would baby it while taking it to the dealer, especially if it jumps into limp mode.

Good news is the solution will probably be very obvious once they hook up their diag computer. Keep us posted !
ArizonaGT I hope your right.

PeteInCT, based upon the "randomness" of the codes I'm scratching my head. No modifications have been done on this car, and the car has not been subject to water inside of the engine bay.

FWIW I have experienced 2nd to 3rd gear lockout about four times at roughly 6-7k rpm.

2012 Boss #2877
Build date 12/2/11

On some cars including including mine. It boils down to bed connections between the PCM and everything else electrical under the hood. Of course I'm just guessing but it sounds like some bad connections could result in a lot of disassociated codes. The track you relearn is mainl is mainly associated with random random misfire code because it gets confused on the position of the crankshaft. In any event not to worry the text will learn a lot once they hook up their diagnostic tools to your car.
Read this thread if you haven't already:

Also, it would be great if you post in that thread, which has become somewhat of the clearing house for random misfire and other CEL issues.

And just to be clear: the crank sensor relearn has not solved the issue for anybody. Some have seen a temporary reprieve from the CELs, but in every case there has been something physical wrong in the system.

And I agree with Pete, you likely have something more fundamental wrong with your car than just the crank sensor & its wiring.
Received word yesterday that I had a bad coil...the dealership will have a new one on Monday. Not sure which coil was bad, I did not have time to talk with the service manager.

Asked them to address the 3rd gear lockout concern as well. They will look into this when the car "runs" 100%.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Funny thing, worked a sixteen hour day yesterdayin So. Cal., 110 at the location in the shade, got in the car started it and no more than 1500rpm pedal pinned, missing more than every other cylinder, black smoke out of the tail pipe. Turned off and on same, one more time happy happy,happy. What the #$%&%*^^&(&#$%&.
Spoke with the senior service consultant (SSC) today on the phone and the #1 coil was the one replaced.

Brief conversation that followed:
SSC "Car runs as it should, you can pick it up at any time"
Me - Great, so no damage to the engine?
SSC "No damage, you are good to go"
Me - Okay, so what was the tech able to determine about the 3rd gear lockout?
SSC "that's how the car is supposed to work at that would then be able to shift into fifth or sixth gear"
Me - I think you are thinking about the skip-shift feature, skip-shift works at low speeds/rpms.
SSC "No, this is the way that the car's normal"
Me - Can you print me out the documentation that states this is normal?
SSC - I can give you Ford Customer Service's phone number...
Me - Go back and ask your tech and service manager to provide me with this "documented" information and we will be good to go.
SSC - "Okay, I'll ask them about how the car is supposed to function"
Me - If there is no documentation that this is "normal operating procedure", then I still have a concern about 3rd gear lockout.
SSC "Again, I'll talk to the service manager and tech who worked on your car"
Me - Okay, sounds good...let me know what you come up with.

Needless to say, I had a headache after that discussion.

I should know more tomorrow.
In my case the issue was the shifter. Once l went with the MGW I stopped having lockout issues. However I suspect the problem doesn't stop there for everyone. I'm curious what the dealers final explanation will be.
Picked up the car today and had a short discussion with the service manager.

This is actually printed on my paperwork "shifter won't go into third gear at 6000 rpm's, contacted Ford hotline, Ford hotline advised that transmission is shifting as designed. advised to activate track key to eliminate skip shift feature"

asked service manager to escalate concern to district/regional field manager...will see what happens.

Also requested service manager to inquire about clutch stayout that has occurred with 3rd gear lockout.

I was told that "the boss 302 is a race car and to get all of the benefits that the car offers, Track Key has to be installed and activated".

Not real happy with "track key will solve my concern".
pinbot1966 said:
Picked up the car today and had a short discussion with the service manager.

This is actually printed on my paperwork "shifter won't go into third gear at 6000 rpm's, contacted Ford hotline, Ford hotline advised that transmission is shifting as designed. advised to activate track key to eliminate skip shift feature"

asked service manager to escalate concern to district/regional field manager...will see what happens.

Also requested service manager to inquire about clutch stayout that has occurred with 3rd gear lockout.

I was told that "the boss 302 is a race car and to get all of the benefits that the car offers, Track Key has to be installed and activated".

Not real happy with "track key will solve my concern".
I can tell you from first hand experience that it won't.
Isn't skip shift disabled with TK? I run TK all the time and I have no skip shift going on ever, low revs or high. Maybe I'm misunderstanding...
12's do have "skip shift sensor". 13 is not supposed to have skip shift, but mine did (build date 5/12. I had the dealership check it out prior to delivery and they disconnected it AFTER they installed TracKey.

You should be able to have service tech disconnect at your request and at your expense.
CPTMac689 "Maybe yours is acting up just as a cry for attention!" no, that would be my 2012 Kawasaki ZX14R (209 RWHP) acting out ;D

Back on topic - received a call from the dealership today, they would like to have the car back in for further analysis.

First step they want to try is to disable the skip-shift sensor and see if there are still "concerns" present. If there are still concerns, then they will be looking at "electrical connections and components". If the first two actions do not work, they mentioned some additional diagnostic tests and possible part(s) replacements.

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