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Ford getting into the microchip business

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5-10 Years
Newcastle, CA
Not too surprised by this...

Seems like a logical thing to do. And the chips are going to be made in the US - more jobs possibly, even if they're mostly made with robots.
So, here's why US military assets are collecting around Taiwan as the real China makes noises (the "T" in TSMC stands for "Taiwan"):

Ford has just teamed up with a semiconductor also-ran. Well done. Hopefully they'll produce chips that were modern as recently as 2011, or if we're really lucky, maybe 2016.
Anybody remember how big the first computer was???? You had to have a whole room to fit it in....My first cell phone was like a walkie-talkie LOL...Cell phones got a little too small before smart phones hit the scene......My new dumb phone is a little bigger than my old 3G phone....Chips will get better and smaller until they reach they're max.
Anybody remember the Osborne 1 computer? From like 1981? Played Space Invaders pretty good, if you like monochrome lines of triangles. And did little else. At least the one that was in the scale shack in the place where I worked at the time. It was supposed to receive weights from the scale, but they could never quite get it and the scale to talk.

I figured computers would never catch on, and look where we are today! Some futurist I am.
Not related to the Ford microchip story, but still relevant:

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The microchip issue reminds me of the telecommunications industry issues we had in the eighties. Bottomline was no one in the states, read AT&T, was developing new ideas for that market. We simply bought what ever the French made. Our DOD communications systems depended upon EUROPE for hardware. Not a good situation. The end result, Ma Bell was Split up. Competition and development began again At home.
It seems to take a crisis for us to wake up. Let’s hope we shake off the hangover and get to producing at home very soon.

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