I’ve been kicking around the idea to install two piece rotors, Disk Brakes Australia said they were going to start selling their two piece disks again but it’s been months.
Kept looking and found Girodisc, two piece floating rotors and yes they have them for the Boss 302/LS, only $800.00 for the set.
So why a two piece floating rotor? What are the benefits?
Two piece floating rotor benefits;
- Reduced pad kick/knock back; rotor flexes and pushes pistons back into caliper = longer pedal travel because you are having to push the piston back out to push the pad against the rotor face.
- Non floating iron rotors when they hot grow in diameter but have differential rates of growth between rotor face and the center of the disc causing coning, think “>”. So no coning.
- Aluminum Hat doesn’t transfer as much heat to the hub prolonging bearing life
- Less unspring weight/rotating mass, car will handle and accelerate better.
- The rotation of the disc causes air to be pumped from the center of the disc, through the vanes, and out through the outside diameter of the disc. This greatly enhances the disc’s ability to dissipate heat. Unlike the non directional vanes in the stock rotors
I’m sure there are more…………….
Then saw they have them for the FR500S/FR500C race cars
OK, race brakes for the Boss 302, not the 302R /302S (4K to 5K a little pricey), so how about the FR500C/FR500S? (Just like they have at Miller Motorsports Park on the Track Attack cars).
Addational Benfits
- Quick change pins for the pads no more hammering out the F^@king caliper pin.
- Real race pads! Well I had real pads but I can use endurance pads, think thicker!
- Thicker pad = a greater thermal barrer and they are about the same price as my current track day pad......so I can go longer on a set of pads that is!
So what’s the damage?
MUSTANG FR500S BREMBO KIT - M-2300-J - $2,950.00 plus shipping
I already have Goodridge Stainless Steel Braided lines so I start to think…….don’t need the whole kit .
What about a la carte?
FR500S FRONT BREMBO BRAKE CALIPERS - M-2320 - $997.00 shipped
FORD RACING MUSTANG FR500C CALIPER BRACKET - M-2134-R - $97 each need two
FORD FR500S Girodisc 2pcFRONT ROTORS (floating) - A1-112 - $1,000.00 plus shipping
So it’ll be about $2,191.00 plus shipping for the rotors and now I can pick my pads.
So gents feast your eyes on my new calipers, next month I get the rotors…….
I know you've seen a Brembo caliper in the past.............maybe not so exciting!
The two piece rotors are cool though...............
Kept looking and found Girodisc, two piece floating rotors and yes they have them for the Boss 302/LS, only $800.00 for the set.
So why a two piece floating rotor? What are the benefits?
Two piece floating rotor benefits;
- Reduced pad kick/knock back; rotor flexes and pushes pistons back into caliper = longer pedal travel because you are having to push the piston back out to push the pad against the rotor face.
- Non floating iron rotors when they hot grow in diameter but have differential rates of growth between rotor face and the center of the disc causing coning, think “>”. So no coning.
- Aluminum Hat doesn’t transfer as much heat to the hub prolonging bearing life
- Less unspring weight/rotating mass, car will handle and accelerate better.
- The rotation of the disc causes air to be pumped from the center of the disc, through the vanes, and out through the outside diameter of the disc. This greatly enhances the disc’s ability to dissipate heat. Unlike the non directional vanes in the stock rotors
I’m sure there are more…………….
Then saw they have them for the FR500S/FR500C race cars
OK, race brakes for the Boss 302, not the 302R /302S (4K to 5K a little pricey), so how about the FR500C/FR500S? (Just like they have at Miller Motorsports Park on the Track Attack cars).
Addational Benfits
- Quick change pins for the pads no more hammering out the F^@king caliper pin.
- Real race pads! Well I had real pads but I can use endurance pads, think thicker!
- Thicker pad = a greater thermal barrer and they are about the same price as my current track day pad......so I can go longer on a set of pads that is!
So what’s the damage?
MUSTANG FR500S BREMBO KIT - M-2300-J - $2,950.00 plus shipping
I already have Goodridge Stainless Steel Braided lines so I start to think…….don’t need the whole kit .
What about a la carte?
FR500S FRONT BREMBO BRAKE CALIPERS - M-2320 - $997.00 shipped
FORD RACING MUSTANG FR500C CALIPER BRACKET - M-2134-R - $97 each need two
FORD FR500S Girodisc 2pcFRONT ROTORS (floating) - A1-112 - $1,000.00 plus shipping
So it’ll be about $2,191.00 plus shipping for the rotors and now I can pick my pads.
So gents feast your eyes on my new calipers, next month I get the rotors…….
I know you've seen a Brembo caliper in the past.............maybe not so exciting!
The two piece rotors are cool though...............