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How often do you add coolant to your Boss?

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I had to add some coolant with 8000 mile on the Boss, Now she has 14,500 and the level was at the bottom of the fill cold line. Added another cup of coolant/water today. Normal, or possible leak? I don't smell or see anything leaking.
i had a similar situation on my corolla. there was a very small leak under the water pump. leak wasn't big enough to leave a puddle on the floor, but it was enough to build up a powdered crust right under the water pump.
so check under your water pump.
If you have leak you should see it on your garage floor. Adding that much coolant after 6-8k miles is not unusual. There's a reason that they "top off" your fluids duri Christmas g a routine oil change ;)
AZBoss302 said:
I had to add some coolant with 8000 mile on the Boss, Now she has 14,500 and the level was at the bottom of the fill cold line. Added another cup of coolant/water today. Normal, or possible leak? I don't smell or see anything leaking.

I would not say it's 'normal' but it may not be indicative of an issue either. My Boss has about 7200 miles on it with a majority of it being track time. My coolant level has never changed. If you are concerned just have a pressure test done.
Having to top up the coolant is not normal. Unless there is loss in the system somewhere, you should not have to add coolant.
I seem to recall in this forum or another a few people posting about head gasket issues. I would suggest a chat with the dealer and a pressure test.
I added about 1/2 quart at around 6 months/7500 miles, which took me from the low cold fill mark to the top mark. I now have 10,000 miles and the level is right in between the two marks. I have seen no leaks of any kind. The car uses very little oil, about 1/2 quart in 5000 miles, and the oil has been clean and uncontaminated at both oil changes so far. I do not see any white smoke out of the exhaust, and I have never smelled coolant around the engine bay.
Not sure if I am stating the obvious, but make sure you check the coolant when the car is totally cold. When the car heats up, the coolant will expand into the overflow tank and you'll get a higher reading. If you check it when it's cold all the time, you'll ensure you get a consistent reading.
have any of you guys changed out your coolant yet? Maybe even running something different than stock? Is there a recommended interval when this should be done?
BOSS5OH said:
have any of you guys changed out your coolant yet? Maybe even running something different than stock? Is there a recommended interval when this should be done?
I have drained and refilled coolant twice, once when I did the Boss air/water oil cooler and once when I swapped to a Boss radiator. Used Motul Mocool, Motorcraft specialty orange and distiller water. Coolant on tracked cars should be changed at 2 years or 24000 mi whichever comes first. Street driven cars can go 5/50000. My top tip is to get an AirLift vacuum tool to check for leaks and then refill. Prevents trapped air pockets that can cause hot spots in the cylinder heads. First got it for my 911 which absolutely required it, with the Mustang it can be done by the fill and burp, fill and burp method but the air lift makes it simple. $100 on Amazon.
steveespo said:
I have drained and refilled coolant twice, once when I did the Boss air/water oil cooler and once when I swapped to a Boss radiator. Used Motul Mocool, Motorcraft specialty orange and distiller water. Coolant on tracked cars should be changed at 2 years or 24000 mi whichever comes first. Street driven cars can go 5/50000. My top tip is to get an AirLift vacuum tool to check for leaks and then refill. Prevents trapped air pockets that can cause hot spots in the cylinder heads. First got it for my 911 which absolutely required it, with the Mustang it can be done by the fill and burp, fill and burp method but the air lift makes it simple. $100 on Amazon.

Now $120 on Amazon but looks great; added to wish list.
fbbob96 said:
What is water wetter?
It's an additive that claims to reduce coolant temps. It's also an anti-corrosive for using in race applications where you don't want to risk slick coolant spilling onto the track causing a wreck. Inthose cases it allows you to run sstraight distilled water and just Water Wteer. The claimed temperature reduction when mixed with coolant isn't as significant as when mixed with straight water. I use it but also with coolant as a precaution against corrosion. How much it truly helps with cooling.....not sure.
What cloud9 said, I run it with distilled water in my track car and my friend who builds a lot of racecars for people uses it. I was skeptical but I have had no issues with it. But unless the rules require no coolant, I would just go with real coolant.
Thread revival...

Is going to Ford the only way to get the correct coolant for our cars? It's going to be close to 110 at the track this Sunday at Thunderhill and I was thinking I might grab a jug to go along with my spare upper and lower hoses.

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