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Laguna Seca tips?

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Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
Been meaning to post this question here since I'm going in a week, and that 'sobering reminder' thread was my wake-up call. So please post if you've run Laguna Seca and have any tips to share!

I'm running the car mostly stock with just the brake ducts, kitty litter scoop and S grille. Well, and motul brake fluid. I resisted putting on a set of Hawk HT-10s and dba 4000 rotors...because I've wanted to run LS essentially stock with only cooling mods for margin of safety.
"Stay on the track" The gravel traps are deep so you don't want to go there.

Aim for the little tree at the bottom of the corkscrew not the big one. ;)

Turn 6 can be taken a lot faster than you think but work up to it.

Have fun as it's an awesome track. I'm still smiling from my first visit there last week. ;D
5 DOT 0 said:
"Stay on the track" The gravel traps are deep so you don't want to go there.

Aim for the little tree at the bottom of the corkscrew not the big one. ;)

Turn 6 can be taken a lot faster than you think but work up to it.

Have fun as it's an awesome track. I'm still smiling from my first visit there last week. ;D

LOL...we had someone this weekend aim for the big tree...oops!

a few things I'd add to Rick's excellent advice:

1. stay on the track. if you go off, go straight off...and HOPE you're headed for the gravel. there are lots of places where you will hit a wall if you go off and the trap doesn't save you...keep it straight so the gravel doesn't flip you. the 'kitty litter' areas don't provide much slowing...but you can actually find a little grip out there if you do off it...relax, keep it straight. there are also fairly large 'canals' appearing just off track in may place from rain runoff...those are not good to encounter at speed.

re: markers - if you use off-track markers (I tend not to), Rick's right about the trees at the corkscrew. for 1 (the rise on the front straight), go under the 'z' in Mazda as you go past start / finish, then spot three telephone poles driver's right, aim for the far left one...and do NOT lift over 1. manage you speed on the front straight (ie. don't go full speed - short shift it - if you're not willing to keep your foot in it all the way over 1).

two (double apex) - two is to tight-line the first apex, rotate (with some trail braking preferably), making more of a 'v' out of the's a good race line to keep people from ducking underneath you there...bigger hp cars and DE-oriented events stay track right - about a car width in from track right for first apex then consistent bend into 2nd apex. this also give you a nice straight - and flat - place for all your braking after you crest 1.

3 - remember it's a DECREASING radius and it catches many off-guard...sloooowwww in. if you find yourself pushing to the outside...steady and straight into the kitty where the tire marks are there that hit the wall...they're all on the inside from people offing the car out of 3, jerking it back, and hooking it into the inside wall. which brings me to 4...increasing radius with the second longest straight following it...tempting to try to build a ton of speed on exit there. I ditched a car hard on exit there a couple years ago hooking it to the inside...not a place to f$^#ck it up at LS. don't. 5's easy, remember you've got uphill and huge camber on exit so you can really get on it there.
6, as rick said, is a mind-bender. what most people don't get about 6 (because they've never had a chance to walk or ride the course except in a car) is the the entry to 6 is DOWNHILL. from 5 to 8 you're all uphill, except from turn in to apex at 6. and if you don't remember that, you're in for some wild rides through 6. because the car uncompresses so much after turn in you MUST stay on the throttle...maintenance throttle. get your braking done before the crest, let the car settle, turn in and get to maintenance (light but constant) throttle, and get to that apex! just after apex the corner is a lot like 5 in that you're into a big uphill (but with a little less camber than exit of 5) so once you hit (and it will THUD) apex at 6 and the car settles into the uphill...get to the gas. 7 is just a kink but, depending, on the condition of the surface just off the race surface track left there, use it if it's good. turn in there and head straight toward track right at the top of the rise to enter the corkscrew. that gives you a straight braking area, whereas some people are still trying to turn the car and brake entering'll have enough to worry about setting up for 8. the braking zone there is very tricky because there's a big rise and JUST enough area after the rise but before turn in to make you think about carrying some extra speed over the rise. the caution is there is that you're setting up for what some people believe is the toughest corner in motorsports, so you do yourself a favor and get 95% of your braking done before the you rise you can decrease brake pressure because you'll have the added grip of the rise, but just after the rise you have the exact opposite....WAY less grip...and set up for corkscrew. after the rise, increase brake pressure to settle the car (and to set up trail braking into the corkscrew when you get comfortable with that)...then turn in and hold the tree and AS SOON as you see that tree get to the gas. biggest mistake people make in the corkscrew (other than blowing the line completely) is waiting too long to get to gas...the car is so unweighted there and then comes down and really compresses the suspension just as you're going for a hard left to a hard right...the car is your biznitch, and you MUST tell it what to do! (ok, a little harsh, but don't be so darn scared of the corkscrew that your right foot freezes and you let the car do whatever it's gonna do until you're past, most likely, won't like what it's gonna do).

up to the point, btw, you track out completely after all turns...but not through car length from track left is fine and same goes for setups for all corners...except entering 9. in that really short bit between 8 and 9, it's a short shift in most cars...though in the boss you might just stay in 3rd through 8 and 9...this is where I remind myself that the last 4 corners have all been pretty big uphill exits and now we're going downhill....otherwise it can be easy to get a little carried away in 9 and 10. and it's REALLY downhill through this can build speed on exit very quickly but it'll be super hard to scrub it if you don't manage it. set up for 9 is a bit of a mind-bender because you CANNOT get through 9 with any speed if you set up all the way track right. reason being that at about a car width from track right the track flattens considerably, so if you get out there track right and start to head down the hill, you'll find it very hard to steer the car back into the apex...and with all the downhill there (and all the power of the boss) building speed will not be a problem. nail that apex (but go inside of it as one of those big drainage ditches awaits the greedy...many rolled cars there) and build your speed on exit...early braking into 10 as you'll be amazed at how fast you get going fast out of 9...ten's straightforward...then you're into 11....which seems easy. if you're racing or looking for time, you'll note that the main straight follows 11, so exit speed there is, perhaps, the biggest key to quickness at LS. and most people throw it away because it's a straightforward corner. again, look at where the tire marks meet the wall (on the inside of the exit)...and don't follow them. especially in a big-hp car it's easy to overcook the slow turn 11, drop and outside wheel, and hook it.
get through there smooth, get onto the main straight, watch for quicker traffic behind, do your gauge checks and get ready to do it all again!
what a great track!!! I want to drive down there right now and get few laps in....
Wow good stuff there John! Only things I'd add is #3 for me is the toughest since it's decreasing and deceptive. I got a little aggressive coming out of #4 a few times since it's such a fast corner, but a fun, fun corner in the Boss. I just go through 8a,b in 3rd since there's not a lot of time to be made just lost there. I can't wait to go to the Continental Tire race there on Sep 8 to see where the pro's are making their lines.

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the excellent tips, guys! :D This really helps me visualize the track and feel mentally prepared. I normally just hit a new track cold and figure it out during the course of the day and review in between sessions. I'll definitely be re-reading all the tips and watching the videos and maps again through this week.

Wanting to 'Stay on Track' is the reason I posted the question! Even more so after installing the kitty litter tranny scoop today... I really don't want to find out how well it scoops gravel.
got forza or similar driving game? while not perfect, if you do 100 laps or so you'll, at least, have the flow of the less thing to think about.

also, watch the original boss lap video (was it motortrend?) and you'll get a great sense for lines and shift pattern. As Andy says, no reason to try to get to 2nd gear for the corkscrew...3rd should be plenty....same with 2...Randy P even mentioned how crazy it was that the boss did great going through 2 wihout having to drop to 2nd gear. only place you'd grab 2nd is through 11 onto the main straight...other than that, you have 3rd and 4th through the whole course....which is a huge advantage.

and, also as Andy said, 3 and 4 are both deceptive and dangerous in their own way...easy, easy into 3 - decreasing radius....4 makes you want to act like a superhero...which is sets up one of the cleanest passing zones at LS...but you do so at huge peril....probably the most-crashed-at place on the track...and you'll be moving very quickly there.

- relax, breath, force yourself to move your head and look up track (which sounds kinda silly...but a lot of people never move their head)...always looking up track
- if you get in trouble, look at and drive toward salvation, not toward the crap that you *might* hit
- smoothness = fast. smooth on all the inputs...don't mash the go pedal, firm but smooth braking
- remember it's a DE, not a race...and there will be plenty of people out there who don't
- enjoy - it's a famous track for a reason

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
Thanks for the follow-up. Can't wait to go!

Found these videos:

I wish I could get a view from just one in-car camera!

And I don't have any driving games...anybody know what has LS for Xbox/360?

btw, that 'sobering reminder' thread was started by me....not to be a big wet blanket, but if that guy hadn't had the proper safety gear in his car, he could be dead. you don't have the proper safety gear in your car. have fun, but take it easy.
I use and a Logitech G27 racing wheel set to get my track fix and to get familiar with a track. It is very realistic, but since some feedback from the car just can't be reproduced unless you have a six or seven figure simulator in your house, always take it slow at first when you go out there for real. It really helped me feel confident going out on Road Atlanta for the first time, and I will be practicing VIR and Barber a lot now since I plan to hit those in the fall.

They have LS & Infineon available (I think LS is included in the basic membership).
I use and a Logitech G27 racing wheel set to get my track fix and to get familiar with a track. It is very realistic, but since some feedback from the car just can't be reproduced unless you have a six or seven figure simulator in your house, always take it slow at first when you go out there for real. It really helped me feel confident going out on Road Atlanta for the first time, and I will be practicing VIR and Barber a lot now since I plan to hit those in the fall.

They have LS & Infineon available (I think LS is included in the basic membership).
Do they have Thunder Hill?
5 DOT 0 said:
I use and a Logitech G27 racing wheel set to get my track fix and to get familiar with a track. It is very realistic, but since some feedback from the car just can't be reproduced unless you have a six or seven figure simulator in your house, always take it slow at first when you go out there for real. It really helped me feel confident going out on Road Atlanta for the first time, and I will be practicing VIR and Barber a lot now since I plan to hit those in the fall.

They have LS & Infineon available (I think LS is included in the basic membership).
Do they have Thunder Hill?

No, they do not. They pretty much have tracks with major racing events like Grand Am, F1, Super Car, and NASCAR ovals (which some have infield road courses). I wrote them once and said that I thought there was a market for having the popular DE road courses, but I'm sure it is pretty expensive to map those tracks so they have to go after what makes sense. They had NJMP listed as coming soon for a long time but they took it off the list recently. They seem to be concentrating on ovals and tracks overseas right now to pick up more customers over there. I really wish that they would get Miller on there.

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
Well, just got back home and had a great weekend. Stayed on track and used almost everything shared here. I only wish I could've run another day there! I need to go back sooner than later.

I'll post some pics after I get them downloaded.

Thanks again, guys! 8)

I tried iracing but got frustrated by the starter cars (miata has even less brakes than irl, and the solstice just spins). It seemed decent but there are some places (corkscrew at Sears for instance) that are just not quite right.

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
5 DOT 0 said:
Grant 302 said:
I need to go back sooner than later.
Yeah LS is awesome. I'm shooting for Nov 3rd & 4th with Track Masters.

Not sure I'll be able to make that...I'm running at Fontucky in October. But you've got me thinking that it would be nice to have a Boss oriented run avoid the issues Cali mentions above. Was an issue with a few of my laps.

I'm thinking if we could get at least 15 cars to LS for the same date that they (speedventures, track masters, CFRA or other) are going to run an event that they could create or hold a group for us. Maybe open it up to '11+ GTs and all GT500s too?

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
CaliMR said:

I tried iracing but got frustrated by the starter cars (miata has even less brakes than irl, and the solstice just spins). It seemed decent but there are some places (corkscrew at Sears for instance) that are just not quite right.

Nice link. But like my broken GoPro...couple days late :D That camera came back from GoPro yesterday. :( Glad I bought a replacement in the mean time!
Grant 302 said:
Not sure I'll be able to make that...I'm running at Fontucky in October. But you've got me thinking that it would be nice to have a Boss oriented run avoid the issues Cali mentions above. Was an issue with a few of my laps.

I'm thinking if we could get at least 15 cars to LS for the same date that they (speedventures, track masters, CFRA or other) are going to run an event that they could create or hold a group for us. Maybe open it up to '11+ GTs and all GT500s too?
That's called NorCal Shelby and they run several events at LS, TH and Sonoma each year. I'll be running with them again in August at Sonoma. It's just as much fun harrasing Porsche's and GTR's with other groups. ;D

Grant 302

basic and well known psychic
5 DOT 0 said:
Grant 302 said:
Not sure I'll be able to make that...I'm running at Fontucky in October. But you've got me thinking that it would be nice to have a Boss oriented run avoid the issues Cali mentions above. Was an issue with a few of my laps.

I'm thinking if we could get at least 15 cars to LS for the same date that they (speedventures, track masters, CFRA or other) are going to run an event that they could create or hold a group for us. Maybe open it up to '11+ GTs and all GT500s too?
That's called NorCal Shelby and they run several events at LS, TH and Sonoma each year. I'll be running with them again in August at Sonoma. It's just as much fun harrasing Porsche's and GTR's with other groups. ;D

:D I was just worried with a mustang oriented group to say we just wanted to run Bosses only in a group, well, unless we need more cars. I'll have to check them out too. The SoCal Cobra owners normally run just one track event a year. So I was doubting that they'd want to run a separate group for Bosses...and they just ran at Willow in May. They ended up sort of doing the same thing though...primarily for Cobras, but other Ford models okay since there was space. A lot of Bosses ended up there.

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