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NA 4.6L 3v race car with blown head gasket

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Exp. Type
W2W Racing
Exp. Level
20+ Years
Woodbine, MD
Was running a pre-race practice session at Carolina Motorsports Park this past weekend, 20 mins on track, car ran fine, came off track and noticed it was spewing from expansion tank. After several tests, determined bad head gasket. Car had never overheated before. It has been a race car since day 1; it has approx 20,000 race miles. Anyone experience this?
Trying to determine:
1) What could be the cause - No prior symptoms, car has run flawlessly for years
2) Should I just replace the head gasket (preferable)
3) Time for an engine rebuild/replace
4) Other suggestions
i'm not that familiar with the 3V, but 20k race miles is excellent life for any engine (outside of a stock miata - that's just getting broken in).

I didn't see anything about what types of temps you ran before? do you have data on average water temps, etc.?

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