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Need a favour....2013 LS front grill pic

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I am looking for a favour from a 2013 LS owner, I need a pic of a front grill to determine if the colour is different from regualr boss, and if the honey comb pattern is the in Canada so dealer doesnt have access to the info.

Would someone be able to help with this?? Greatly appreciate it?
LS223 said:
Had a service appointment and had to bring the Boss to work today and couldn't avoid the rain, but here you go!

Great LS223, I am running mine with the spoiler too, but I always back her in. Just a FYI, I saw a regular GT Mustang pull the chin off last week...
The guy that parks next to me has a black car too, so I use his paint as a mirror so i can see how close I am. Everywhere else I park a good 2 to 3 feet back from the curb. My girlfriend laughs as even in my F150 I park 2 to 3 feet back from the curb, force of habbit I guess.
Thanks for the picture post, I love the black LS!!

Can't tell if the front grills are same as the regular Boss colour? Do you know if it's more grey, a regular Boss grill is black. I sent the pic to my dealer to check out the comb pattern.

Thanks again!

Yes, gray in color!

From what I can see on Ford parts they are the same part just different colors.


Ford Part Number:
Part Description: 1.40 LBS, Lower

Part Description: Ebony, Lower, 1.40 LBS
The whole grill upper and lower are gray:

Other color changes for the Boss/Boss Laguna Seca include new Sterling Gray accents, vintage School Bus Yellow and black paint offerings, hockey stick stripes and a gray interior rear cross-brace. Sterling Gray is also used for the front grille, mirror caps and rear pedestal spoiler, while Laguna Seca rear badging and unique two-tone gray and silver wheels round out the exterior accents.
Thanks again! Dealer struggling to find this LS part in their system, they only see black, I sent the links to parts to them you provided.....I have read the article you posted about the Sterling Grey front grill but until I got your pic couldnt convince dealer that part was different color!!! Calling color 'ebony' only adds to the confusion.

All in all, you have confirmed what I need to find!!

Thank you!
If the dealer you are trying to go through is still hang up on color, you can download the splitter installation and show them the last page!



LS223 said:
The guy that parks next to me has a black car too, so I use his paint as a mirror so i can see how close I am.

I do that as well, good practice!!

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