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Pulling exhaust fuse to pass sound?

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Under 3 Years
Maricopa, AZ
Hello all, sorry if this is a noob or dumb question. How come some people unplug the exhaust valves at the valves to pass sound, rather than pulling the fuse with the valves closed? Would either method make a difference?

Backstory: I have a 2019 GT350 that my wife will be using for her first "track day" at a track with sound limits (Arizona Motorsports Park for those familiar). I used track day in quotes because she will be taking the new members class for Pro Autosports, and they do 2 sessions of lead/follow (won't be fast enough to be a loud enough RPM's) plus classroom before 2 normal sessions in the beginner group. I don't really plan on going back to this track (it's sadly closing soon anyway), so I would only run the car 2 sessions with the exhaust closed, and her only pushing as hard as she's comfortable with. The other option would be to just run it until she gets black flagged for that point at least she has the class completed for next time.
It may work, but some cars throw a light. I'd test it now and see if it works.

My car didn't like any of the "workarounds" and I ended up purchasing the AWE exhaust valve controller and it works perfectly. The factory button no longer works, but I instead have "open" set to the middle homelink visor button, and "close" set to the right most homelink visor button.

Just put it in sport mode / track mode and turn the exhaust off. Thats what I would do at LS on a 92 day. Vroom Vroom noises dont make you faster.
If you don't pull the fuse or run a controller the valves will still open above 4,000 rpm and more than 75% throttle. I think those are the triggers, but I'm not 100% sure. I do know that without an aftermarket controller you cannot just close the valves and have them stay closed.
I didn't think they made new members do the WOT sound check in the morning? I'm pretty sure they force you to do that the next time you come back in red group and don't have a sticker. That's what happened for me anyways.

There's no way you'd hit the limit in the lead/follow sessions and she could just lift going by the meter in the two other sessions.

I just did the platinum day there yesterday and they weren't measuring sound which was nice.
If you don't pull the fuse or run a controller the valves will still open above 4,000 rpm and more than 75% throttle. I think those are the triggers, but I'm not 100% sure. I do know that without an aftermarket controller you cannot just close the valves and have them stay closed.
I don't recall if they open about 4K or WOT. But I've have my AWE in for over 6 yrs now.
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