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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

2017 Mustang GT350 Vehicle Profile & Build Thread

yes, normally this car cannot be approved in France! Normally ! Unfortunately I was not born on the right continent

French Shelby GT350R

Specs & Mods

Ownership Status
Currently Own
S550 Model
Mods - Handling
Tires Pirelli Trofeo R / Camber, Brake
Mods - Power
No mods
Background & Plans
I am happy today because after 1 year of waiting to find and receive my GT350R without radio, gps and climasiation it is an exclusivity in France and in Europe in this configuration, i'm shure, i'am not born on the right continent.
I am also here to meet people, this year I had for the first time in my life to go on a trip for 3 weeks to discover the American West and necessarily with a visit to Shelby in LA Unfortunately I think that with COVID 19 my July / August trip will be canceled.
Sorry for my bad english !
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Car information

S550 Mustangs
Added by
Josh Track Day
Last update

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