The Mustang Forum for Track & Racing Enthusiasts

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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

Friend needs an intro to the Boss Family

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#LS-378 - So many Porsche's, so little time....
I have a good friend in the Chicago area that has been a lifelong Porsche owner (911 Turbo). He's had it for a while and spent tons of money on it over the years. Now it's starting to show it's age and the cost of ownership is getting to be more than he's willing to pay (as you all know, the price of new Porsche parts creates more second mortgages than anything else ;D ) Anyway, he's seen the Boss a number of times but has never been in one at a track. I was hoping that one of our Forum members may be at one of the following tracks some time some and be willing to show him what the Boss is really all about. He is a very accomplished driver and is also the GM of a very well know motorsports distributor in the Chicago area.

> Autobahn Country Club and Blackhawk Farms Raceway in Chicago area.
> Gingerman Raceway in MI.
> Road America in WI.

Serious responses only please. PM me.

Well can't help with track time as am out in Seattle. But I have a friend out here that has a 2012 Boss and a Porsche Turbo.(lucky guy) He has tracked them back to back at the same track and with go pro and track data. The winner....... the Boss! Short of a track experience I'm sure he would be glad to talk with your friend. He is a good guy and a fast smooth driver. Let me know and I will pm you his contact info. Good luck.
Domestic Product said:
Well can't help with track time as am out in Seattle. But I have a friend out here that has a 2012 Boss and a Porsche Turbo.(lucky guy) He has tracked them back to back at the same track and with go pro and track data. The winner....... the Boss! Short of a track experience I'm sure he would be glad to talk with your friend. He is a good guy and a fast smooth driver. Let me know and I will pm you his contact info. Good luck.

please PM me with contact info. Thanks!
Hey Pete. Domestic Product (Mike)directed me to this post. I have a 01 996 tt that is fairly well sorted. It is my garage queen and occasional track toy. The Boss isn't as highly modified, has street rubber just like the P-car and stock brake pads just like the P-car. Have to admit I don't go as hard with the P-car and it's such a completely different driver experience.

The Boss had trailed the P-car on lap time until my last outing. The Boss was quicker this time even with the shift problem. The Boss is still having shifting problems with 4th to 5th but not as bad since clutch & tranny replaced. I think I have a solution to this but you can't effectively compare the two cars from a "drivers point of view."

The Porsche is SO MUCH EASIER TO DRIVE QUICKLY! She is very well mannered and very easy to correct. Great vision, throttle & steering inputs are easy, all four corners are easy to find, brakes are just outstanding even though I had a braking problem the last time with the P-car but I think there was a screw up with bleeding/flushing fluid.

I have a friend, Mike knows him too I think, but his 01 Porsche Turbo is almost full on race prepped. Cage, seats, interior/weight mods, brakes upgrades at both ends, motor and gearing changes plus he runs Hoosiers. CAR IS EXTREMELY FAST!!!!!! He is also an accomplished pilot.

The Boss just requires more driver attention and isn't as easy to get the car sorted when you don't place it appropriately. BUT SHE IS FUN AND THE SOUND IS JUST AWESOME. Very easy to get addicted to the way the Boss delivers it's power. Far different than the P-car. Boss to me seems more linear where the Turbo is hang on when you hit full boost----instant go! Have to be prudent with throttle management on both cars. Balance is far superior in the P-car. (hope this doesn't p*ss anyone off, it's just my opinion owning and driving both cars)

You have my email and phone # (brake pads & #12 in Seattle) so if your buddy wants to talk just have him call.

Both cars provide HUGE SMILES TO THE MILE. Boss has the advantage of buy in, upgrades & maintenance is cheaper.


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