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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

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I was driving downtown today in the Boss and I was Getting a few good stares, so I stop at a green light to turn left and a guy coming the other way in traffic stopped totally out of nowhere and started flagging me to go like no tomorrow to make the turn. I waved for him to keep going and he went and he was deep staring at me as he went by! This is the first time ever I had someone totally stop in the middle of traffic to see a car. I've been in new camaros and Mercedes sl roadsters where people asked to take pictures but never stopping in traffic. Pretty darn awesome to get that type of attention just driving about. I love this car more everyday!
I still dont get used to people looking I have had a ton of situations simular I believe you must have a 2012 boss huh? I think it is the point no other car looks like them and they look and are mean ;D
On the way to PA for All Ford Nats I had people get up beside me and take pics the whole way there and back.

My GF says she feels like a rock star when we go out in the boss cause of the attention we get :)
its been over a year for me so Im getting used to it. first came the ricers at the light racing me because the car was bright orange and loud "looking" , I dont humor those anymore, not funny, getting old. then the thumbs up from kids in back seats once I got the mufflers uncorked :D, still love that. And now come the Girlfriends in front passenger sides smiling at me since I got the new 302s grille and Raxiom headlights ( must make a thread but havent made pics since, but looks great), how can you mind That XD
its definitely an attention getter car... even from the popo but I drive responsibly so its ok. makes driving it slow fun enough.

downside: I also get the frustrated jealous type in front of me, slow poking , say like 25 mph in a 40 mph road just to make me crazy because they think " AH he wants to go fast, well check this out buddy" unfortunately LOTS of those condescending types too...XD
I get that all the time as well. Kids in the neighborhood follow me on their bikes. People take pictures and ask questions at gas stations, stores, intersections, etc... I have been getting a lot of people asking me if it's a "REAL" BOSS. Anyone else get this? I'm assuming there are a few "FOSSes" out there (FOSS is Fake BOSS, coworkers came up with it :p). I've only had a couple ricers try and race me didn't really humor them. Have had some BMWs try and play. Just smiled and kept driving. :D
I guess I just live around uneducated car people. Haven't gotten much attention with mine...which is fine by me. I think a lot of people just think its a yellow mustang with cool stripes. I had one guy stop and ask me though if the decals were just for show because he was a "mustang guy" and "knew" they stopped making the 5.0 years ago...actually kinda argued with me about
Well theres one thing I can say from reading everyone elses posts is that our cars dont only get attention because their exhaust are loud but because of how loud the actually car stands out....

Joe BOSS said:
I get that all the time as well. Kids in the neighborhood follow me on their bikes. People take pictures and ask questions at gas stations, stores, intersections, etc... I have been getting a lot of people asking me if it's a "REAL" BOSS. Anyone else get this? I'm assuming there are a few "FOSSes" out there (FOSS is Fake BOSS, coworkers came up with it :p). I've only had a couple ricers try and race me didn't really humor them. Have had some BMWs try and play. Just smiled and kept driving. :D
There is a V6 running around my area and they tried to do FOSS look and it failed.. They tried to do the the stripes like the 70 and 13 and they must have done a print out cut out graphic because it seriously is a perfect reverse uppercase L. It was pretty funny seeing it a few weeks back when I was driving my Boss around, it was not even a close resemblence to what the stripe looks like.
I get a lot of little kids waving, but the ricers must have been warned because they stay away. I get a lot of people jackrabbiting at lights, I just let them be stupid and drive normally. The funniest was a FWD Escape that did the most pathetic burnout next to me at a light while giving me the stare. My passenger and I just cracked up and let him go.

I noticed a definite pattern though from the different cars I have had recently:

Evo: pre-teen boys loved it, light ricers and porsches wanted to race
Spec E30: milfs love it, hard core ricers with Tanaka 4 pt hooked to the baby seat anchors want to race
Boss: little kids and old guy love it, CTSVs and vettes want to race
jeepinocala said:
I still dont get used to people looking I have had a ton of situations simular I believe you must have a 2012 boss huh? I think it is the point no other car looks like them and they look and are mean ;D

So there was a strange moment for me today... I became the stalker. I was driving through town with my wife in her Durango when I spotted a 2013 GHIG Boss at the gas station. I pulled a u-turn on one of the main streets, only to find that he had already left the gas station. So, I decided to follow him... for several miles... and when I finally had a chance to pull up beside him, I asked, "Are you from around here?" I know... WHAT? He looked at me almost stunned, and I could see the thoughts going through his mind - you follow me for several miles just to ask about where I live? My wife looked at me very strangely, and I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter under her breath... "so are you asking him out or what?" And no... I wasn't. He told me that he indeed lived locally, and my response was... "ok, see you around!" And then we drove off. No exchange of names; no real explanation as to why I followed him; nothing. Very strange behavior and I OWN A BOSS! I didn't even mention anything about his car - which looks great in sunlight BTW (I wasn't so sure about the color when I saw it under lights at the autoshow). So, if you happen to have a GHIG Boss in the College Station area, it was me who followed you... and I am not a stalker, but do have a tendency to gawk at great looking cars, and Bosses are at the top of my list. Just wanted to let you know that I, too, have a Boss (yellow blaze) and live in the CS area as well. It's strange that many of you are saying that you never see them on the road, and here I am in a small college town, and there are at least three Bosses roaming our streets... And four when my colleague comes up for his kid's soccer tournaments. He took one ride in mine and within a week, found one for himself.
CEO_five-0 said:
jeepinocala said:
I still dont get used to people looking I have had a ton of situations simular I believe you must have a 2012 boss huh? I think it is the point no other car looks like them and they look and are mean ;D

So there was a strange moment for me today... I became the stalker. I was driving through town with my wife in her Durango when I spotted a 2013 GHIG Boss at the gas station. I pulled a u-turn on one of the main streets, only to find that he had already left the gas station. So, I decided to follow him... for several miles... and when I finally had a chance to pull up beside him, I asked, "Are you from around here?" I know... WHAT? He looked at me almost stunned, and I could see the thoughts going through his mind - you follow me for several miles just to ask about where I live? My wife looked at me very strangely, and I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter under her breath... "so are you asking him out or what?" And no... I wasn't. He told me that he indeed lived locally, and my response was... "ok, see you around!" And then we drove off. No exchange of names; no real explanation as to why I followed him; nothing. Very strange behavior and I OWN A BOSS! I didn't even mention anything about his car - which looks great in sunlight BTW (I wasn't so sure about the color when I saw it under lights at the autoshow). So, if you happen to have a GHIG Boss in the College Station area, it was me who followed you... and I am not a stalker, but do have a tendency to gawk at great looking cars, and Bosses are at the top of my list. Just wanted to let you know that I, too, have a Boss (yellow blaze) and live in the CS area as well. It's strange that many of you are saying that you never see them on the road, and here I am in a small college town, and there are at least three Bosses roaming our streets... And four when my colleague comes up for his kid's soccer tournaments. He took one ride in mine and within a week, found one for himself.

I must say If I was the GHIG Boss guy, Id would have been freaked out by your behaviour lol
but now, I think its the beginning of a beautiful affair,
so I will help you find him:

I must say If I was the GHIG Boss guy, Id would have been freaked out by your behaviour lol
but now, I think its the beginning of a beautiful affair,
so I will help you find him:


Too funny...

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