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Packing list for track days

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So it looks like I'm going to be able to participate in a PCA DE event at Mid-Ohio the first weekend in May. :)
I will be driving my car to the event. Can those of you who have been to track events share your packing list of essential items? I would like to avoid getting caught out if possible.

I usually take
Extra quart of oil
Lug socket and torque wrench to check torque before each session
My brake bleeder kit and fluid for bleeds if needed
Spray detailer and towel
My husky tool kit
Tire plug kit
Drinking water , snacks.
Helmet, driving suit
Go pro camera and extra battery, gTech pro gps track timer

I carry it all in a small duffel bag. I haven't needed the tools or plug kit but if something goes wrong it's nice to know you have tools to work on it to maybe get home.
Tire pressure gauge
Window cleaner
And as Gary always likes to mention an extra radiator cap. ;)
Steves list is very good. I would add Brake Kleen and Zip Ties. Glad to see I am not the only one carrying a tire plugging kit.

Maybe 2 quarts of oil, if the car is pretty new. I didn't burn any, but a couple LS guys I talked to have been burning a couple quarts a day.
For the first day, I'd recommend not taking a jack, etc. Be friendly, and you can borrow. I've done 9 track days, and have yet to take a jack or brake pads, and have never bled brakes at the track. So upgrade as you add to your experience.
99% of my Boss tools live in a plastic tote. I use them in the garage, then throw the tote in the trunk for track day so I don't need to pack for track day--just throw in the tote. Sockets stay on a Craftsman socket holder stick--only the ones I need for brakes.

Here's my list.
Cooler, water
Rain suit
Sunscreen, bug spray
Wide brimmed hat
Sun glasses

Long sleeve cotton shirt
Cotton pants
Helmet, gloves, driving shoes

Phone, windshield mount, Bluetooth receiver for Trackmaster

Track day tool kit (I'd recommend all thru windshield cleaner--add more stuff later):
Tire pressure gauge
Air pump--unless you know the track has an air compressor--most do
Quart oil
Spare radiator cap
Torque wrench, lug socket
Breaker bar
Flat screw driver—strut adjustments
Small tablet for notes
Paper towels
Windshield cleaner
Brake fluid
Brake bleed—wrench, tube, bottle
Flash light or work light
Sockets for front/rear brakes
Brake piston tools—front/rear (punch, hammer, etc)
Brake pads
Cordless impact wrench
Jack stands
Hockey pucks
IR temp sensor
PTRocks said:
So it looks like I'm going to be able to participate in a PCA DE event at Mid-Ohio the first weekend in May. :)
I will be driving my car to the event. Can those of you who have been to track events share your packing list of essential items? I would like to avoid getting caught out if possible.

Read reminders from Ford on page 28 of the Boss supplement. And don't forget to torque your nuts!

MakeMyDay said:
PTRocks said:
So it looks like I'm going to be able to participate in a PCA DE event at Mid-Ohio the first weekend in May. :)
I will be driving my car to the event. Can those of you who have been to track events share your packing list of essential items? I would like to avoid getting caught out if possible.

Read reminders from Ford on page 28 of the Boss supplement. And don't forget to torque your nuts!


Trust me, my nuts are already torqued.
3M blue painter's tape: use it to cover the front end and headlights. Also put some around your parking brake handle to remind you not to pull the parking brake when you come off the track.
5 DOT 0 said:
CaliMR said:
Our radiator caps, are they the one use ones that pop when they overheat? If so, does anyone make a better one?
Yep once they pop they're done. They cost bout $8.

The cost isn't the issue, I don't want to have to carry extras ;D

I thought I saw billet radiator caps somewhere, are those reusable or are they just covers?
CaliMR said:
5 DOT 0 said:
CaliMR said:
Our radiator caps, are they the one use ones that pop when they overheat? If so, does anyone make a better one?
Yep once they pop they're done. They cost bout $8.

The cost isn't the issue, I don't want to have to carry extras ;D

I thought I saw billet radiator caps somewhere, are those reusable or are they just covers?
That's what trailers are for ;D I have 3 caps in there :eek:
CaliMR said:
5 DOT 0 said:
CaliMR said:
Our radiator caps, are they the one use ones that pop when they overheat? If so, does anyone make a better one?
Yep once they pop they're done. They cost bout $8.

The cost isn't the issue, I don't want to have to carry extras ;D

I thought I saw billet radiator caps somewhere, are those reusable or are they just covers?
They are covers. The stock caps come in very small boxes. ;)
Forgot my tire pressure gauge, it's always in the car, haven't worried about a rad cap, car has peaked at 206 degrees ECT on track 8) Haven't changed tires and alway mooch a jack when I feel the need to bleed the brakes. Window cleaner is something I have to put back in the bag, took it out and forgot, thanks for the reminder.

• Tool box
o Wrenches
o Pliers
o Screwdrivers
o Temp gauge
o Socket set
o Knife
o Gerber
o Magnetic wand
• Jack stands
• Jack
• Impact wrench
• Air pump
• Breaker bar
• Torque Wrench
• Air pressure gauge

Comfort Items
• Easy up
• Chairs
• Towel
• Bug spray
• Water
• Snacks
• Sunblock
• Sunglasses
• Cooler
o Snacks
o Lunch
o Water
o Powerade

Track Equipment
• Helmet
• Numbers
• Go-pro
• Gloves
• Shirt
• Pants
• Sock
• Shoes

• Rotors
• Pads
• Misc screws
• Misc bolts
• Misc nuts
• Zip ties
• Oil
• All fluids
• Tape
• Radiator cap

• Tarp
• Window cleaner
• Rags
• Notebook
• Pen
• Construction crayon
• Computer
cloud9 said:
steveespo said:
haven't worried about a rad cap, car has peaked at 206 degrees ECT on track 8)
Hit the go pedal harder Steve! :p j/k I must be a little aggressive ::)

I don't know Gary, maybe my "little" Coyote motor just isn't as high strung as your guys Road Runner jewels. Its only making 427 rwhp@ 7400 rpm. Also I run below 1000 ft and have done the "cooling mods" program. For some reason the car just doesn't run hot, it is a blessing not to worry about it.

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