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Track Key Activation in Germany

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Hi together.
It seem that i will need help!
I've a brand new Boss 302 since 4 weeks. Via my dealer here in Germany i not got the Track Key activation voutcher and the Track Key is still not anctivated.
I know, that only dealer in USA or Canada are allowed to do that, but my car is in Germany right now. Can anybody help me? Who knows what i can / should do, ti get the activation here in Germany?
Thank alot!
I think you're out of luck. You can order the TK from Toulsey Ford and have it shipped to you but I don't think you'll find a dealer that can install it. Good luck.
Do you have a warranty? I don't know how grey market imports work. If not, then you might want to look into an aftermarket tune since there would be no warranty to void anyways.
Boss302Berlin-Germ said:
Hi together.
It seem that i will need help!
I've a brand new Boss 302 since 4 weeks. Via my dealer here in Germany i not got the Track Key activation voutcher and the Track Key is still not anctivated.
I know, that only dealer in USA or Canada are allowed to do that, but my car is in Germany right now. Can anybody help me? Who knows what i can / should do, ti get the activation here in Germany?
Thank alot!
I spoke with Ford Racing about this. They said to check with your local Ford dealer. Ask if they have access to Ford's PTS or IDS networks. This access will allow you local service tech access to the software. As your local service probably has not previously installed a Trac Key, it may take a little more time to install the software. This process is not complicated. Just read the instructions that came with the voucher and understand them. Also make sure you fill your vehicle with premium fuel. Also, bring both the Silver and Red Key with you to the dealer.
Let us know how it turns out for you.

Guten Tag,


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