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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

BMO Parking Corrals at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebrations

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For those attending the Charlotte or Las Vegas events we will have our own parking corrals. This will require a minimum of 20 BMO members at each event in order to reserve our own space. I'm organizing the corrals but we will need someone to help coordinate the Charlotte event. Please post up only if you're planning on attending either of these events and want to park with the BMO group. There is no added cost for this and this will guarantee a parking spot relatively close in and not on the outskirts of the event. Also please include your first name in your post. Please forgive me if you've given me your name in the past but I forgot. It's hard to remember 2,000+ names. :p

Also any Mustang including rental Mustangs and friends attending can park with us. As long as it's a Mustang you're good.

This is called the M.O.R.E. program and you can read the details by downloading the PDF at the links below.

To participate please send me a PM with your:

First and last name
Complete mailing address
Cell phone number
Email address
Which Event, Charlotte or Las Vegas
Note if you're bringing more than one Mustang

Please send this info to me ASAP.

If your name is highlighted in red please send me a PM with the requested info.

Group #8-Charlotte Attendees:

rpm3dinc - Justin
racered302 - Mark
Modman - Gary
steveespo - Steve
99GT - Dan
masfive0 - Max
Boss_302 - Doug
vista6019 - Ric
Z20WHAT - Chuck
69mustangman - Terry
93 LX 5.0 - Frank
Bossdriver - Roy
flyboygsxr - Andy
REDKEY - Jaime
BossDNA - Darrin
johnrehder - John
Tyler72 - Tyler
GOT SVT - Larry
GOT SVT - Charles
builtarmyofone- Dave
Fordman9870 - Kevin
GOT SVT - Mickey
mustangnick26 - Nick
further - Art
wwilde001 - Bill
Melvindl - Dean
Fastfordnut - Norm
13SBY - Richard
Buddies Boss - Patrick
gww52 - Guy
GOT SVT - Eric
GOT SVT - Brian
GOT SVT - Kirk
GOT SVT - Jacob
GOT SVT - Nick
GOT SVT - Ralph
GOT SVT - Lindsey
GOT SVT - Bill
GOT SVT - Craig
GOT SVT - Steve
Fordman9870 - Craig
modman - Camron
25dc - Darrly

Group #3-Las Vegas
Fomoco302 - Bill
Fat Boss - Andy
Moto - Ron
Tucson302 - Derek
Fiddler49 - Andy
TymeSlayer - Kirk
Cherno134 - Al
LSECO - Harry
najay - George
SoCalBoss - Warren
jneary - John
JeffIsHereToo - Jeff
bossy13 - Don
BOSS343 - Paul
CrazyHorse1847 - Brad
BOSS343 - Dennis
Kaylan1525 - Paul
Kaylan1525 - Chris
Kaylan1525 - Treva
Kaylan1525 - Steve
Kaylan1525 - Rigmar
2013boss302 - Paul N.
2013boss302 - Matt
2013boss302 - Paul C.
2013boss302 - Eric
fbbob96 - Bob
2013boss302 - Tom
2013boss302 - Kevin
2013boss302 - Rocky
2013boss302 - Daniel
2013boss302 - Karl
2013boss302 - Mike
2013boss302 - Tom
2013boss302 - John
2013boss302 - Michael
2013boss302 - Leo
#1277 RR - Darren
UFNavy06 - Sean
scmscout - John
Boss2273 - David
SoCalBoss - Mike
LadyBoss - Case
stenoslave - Duane
keltykid 302 - Jeff
askjeffro - Jeff
2013boss302 - Mike
2013boss302 - Nick
SoCalBoss - Jose
13-GB-Boss - Michael
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

I may ( want ) go to the one in Charlotte, depends on life leading up to that time. I have a daughter in Savannah, Ga and she's having my 1st grandchild at the end of Jan. I would have to drive right by Charlotte ( almost ) to go see them. Timing is everything.
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

I'm going to Charlotte, already signed up and have motel reservations!
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

Anyone going to Charlotte and need a place to stay I have spare bedroom and can supply 1 garage place at my house... I live 15 miles from the track and have several routes to try to avoid traffic as much as possible.

Space is now taken! Sorry!
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

I am signed up for Charlotte and yes! I like the idea of being all together!
25dc 2013 SBY Boss
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

Was planning on being with the Shelby guys, but if we can get our own for the Bosses then I'm in.
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

rpm3dinc said:
Anyone going to Charlotte and need a place to stay I have spare bedroom and can supply 1 garage place at my house... I live 15 miles from the track and have several routes to try to avoid traffic as much as possible.
Damn thats really hospitable of you! Too bad I already paid for my motel! The world needs more people like you!
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

I'm in for Charlotte. Have a room reserved for Friday night. Will be there early Friday morning and leaving for home late Saturday afternoon
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

I'm attending Charlotte, already got res for Embassy
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

What all would be involved? Do I need to even sign up since I am here anyways? (I am with the Ford Owners Association of the Carolina's) Club if they do something, but I can certainly try to help with what ever you need...
Re: BMO at the Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration

OK, let me check on some things and I will get back to you, if you find someone else, that is fine too, I just want to make sure I can do it before I commit...

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