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Crazy price for a Boss on Craiglist

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This person cant be serious...
Crack dealer? ;D
thats not so crazy. around these parts the dealers are asking over 70k for them with the adjusted dealer markup. thats why im so hard on dealers. especially when they come online boasting about how they have a car on the lot ect..
gremlinsteve said:
thats not so crazy. around these parts the dealers are asking over 70k for them with the adjusted dealer markup. thats why im so hard on dealers. especially when they come online boasting about how they have a car on the lot ect..

Same here three Ford dealerships all owned by the same guy all asking $20K over stcker and all of them just rotting away on the showroom floor!
My brother said there is one in a showroom in Manhattan with a 25k markup. But I got mine 60 miles north of NYC for 1.5k under sticker, so its just craziness. Atleast in manhattan I can see someone with more money than sense stumbling in off the street and buying it for a large markup as an impulse buy, but anywhere else it just seems impossibly stupid to try.
At the Ford dealership in my town yesterday, they have a Race Red 2013 on the showroom floor with both options for a "no haggle" price of $42,400. Pretty good deal...
This is fabulous. If we were smart, we'd all list our Bosses for sale for $85K. Why? Because (and I speak from painful experience) if you are unfortunate enough to total your Boss (sorry to hear, jfolsom28!), the insurance adjuster will go look up the price of new-ish Mustangs and offer to settle for a ridiculously low price, because to them a Mustang is a Mustang. After much hectoring, you'll convince the adjustor that a Boss is special, so he will start trying to find out what they're worth by visiting online listings. He'll find 3 for sale similar to yours. Two of them will have fair asking prices and be legit. But some moron on the other side of the country, who thinks he has a Boss but it's just some lame aftermarket decals, who lists it as a Boss anyway, will ask about 1/2 of what the other two legit Bosses are asking. And the adjustor, armed with this information, will offer you a price about 10% less than what it's worth. At that point, you can engage in a protracted fight, or you can settle. And more often than not, you'll settle, getting screwed in the process.

I recently went through this with a car that was a bit more rare, and it sucked.

The online ads are free and you're not selling by VIN. And hey, if someone offers to pay you $85K for your Boss? Find one just like it at market, buy it, and sell it to the buyer.

The next time I find 10 spare minutes, I'm soooo listing my car for sale. If it helps one Boss owner one day, balance will be restored to the universe.
Bad Pony said:
This is fabulous. If we were smart, we'd all list our Bosses for sale for $85K. Why? Because (and I speak from painful experience) if you are unfortunate enough to total your Boss (sorry to hear, jfolsom28!), the insurance adjuster will go look up the price of new-ish Mustangs and offer to settle for a ridiculously low price, because to them a Mustang is a Mustang. After much hectoring, you'll convince the adjustor that a Boss is special, so he will start trying to find out what they're worth by visiting online listings. He'll find 3 for sale similar to yours. Two of them will have fair asking prices and be legit. But some moron on the other side of the country, who thinks he has a Boss but it's just some lame aftermarket decals, who lists it as a Boss anyway, will ask about 1/2 of what the other two legit Bosses are asking. And the adjustor, armed with this information, will offer you a price about 10% less than what it's worth. At that point, you can engage in a protracted fight, or you can settle. And more often than not, you'll settle, getting screwed in the process.

I recently went through this with a car that was a bit more rare, and it sucked.

The online ads are free and you're not selling by VIN. And hey, if someone offers to pay you $85K for your Boss? Find one just like it at market, buy it, and sell it to the buyer.

The next time I find 10 spare minutes, I'm soooo listing my car for sale. If it helps one Boss owner one day, balance will be restored to the universe.

There is ^that train of thought.

I love how Trackey is included but not installed. So you still have to front the install money on top of that price.

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