The Mustang Forum for Track & Racing Enthusiasts

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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

Ford/Recaro Racing Seats For Your Boss

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I know there's some disappointment about the Boss Recaro's not having the slot for the submarine belt in a five point harness. Not sure if the guides are the same but these seats look pretty nice. Anyone know how to download those photos from ebay?
it seems in the 2000 cobra R there is not a slot and those guys run the belt throught the seat cusion. Not an ideal solution but it works. Here is a thread where lotus guys are discussing modifying thier seats to remedy this same issue. There is a good agrument in the thread over the safety of doing this with one side saying they wouldn't trust a modified safety item as crucial as a seat and the other side saying that the strength of the seat comes from the ribbing in the back. As the Boss seat has the top holes from the factory I would think that any safety concerns would be minimal at most.

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