The Mustang Forum for Track & Racing Enthusiasts

Taking your Mustang to an open track/HPDE event for the first time? Do you race competitively? This forum is for you! Log in to remove most ads.

  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

Happy BD to AutoxEmery , 2022 Solo National Champion in CAMT !!

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Bill Pemberton

0ld Ford Automotive Racing Terror
Exp. Type
Time Attack
Exp. Level
20+ Years
Blair, Nebraska
Everyone wish our fellow TMO member , Emery Seaton, a Happy Birthday today and the Nebraska Region of SCCA has an autocross coming up April 2nd so he may show up there to test his new diffuser and other Winter changes. Those of us in the Midwest know that Winter is just a time for mods and vehicle check ups, and there is no doubt Emery and his Dad have been working on the family beast ( the car was originally Emery's Grandfather's ). CAMT is a tough Class but Emery is focused on another Championship so for his Birthday let's all wish him the best in 2023!

Happy Birthday Youngster,

Bill Pemberton

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