It's 74 and spectacular out so I grab my kids and go run a few errands in the Boss. On the way home I pull up to a signal with a Ferrari F430 on my left and an Audi A8 on my right. The guy driving the Audi checks out my car and was fixated on my front wheel. Probably wondering why the hell I have such long wheel studs and WTF is going on with my DBA T3 rotors. He looks up and gives me a thumbs up. Nice considering what was on the other side of me. The Ferrari turns left and the Audi and I take off. We hit the next signal and he rolls down his window but didn't say anything. I could tell he was listening to the exhaust, and of course I'm using TK, so when the light turned green I got on it so he could hear what it really sounds like.
I go about a mile and pull alongside a new BWM 550i at another signal. It's some hot looking blonde and she looks the car over and gives me a big smile. I'm thinking: Why do my kids have to be in the car???
I go another mile and into a tunnel under several sets of railroad tracks. I drive through it often and my typical routine is to push in the clutch and rev the engine to redline as is sounds pretty cool echoing in the tunnel. There just happens to be a M3 alongside of me when I do this. He probably thought I wanted to race. LOL
Anyway life is good driving a Boss!
How did your drive go today?
I go about a mile and pull alongside a new BWM 550i at another signal. It's some hot looking blonde and she looks the car over and gives me a big smile. I'm thinking: Why do my kids have to be in the car???
I go another mile and into a tunnel under several sets of railroad tracks. I drive through it often and my typical routine is to push in the clutch and rev the engine to redline as is sounds pretty cool echoing in the tunnel. There just happens to be a M3 alongside of me when I do this. He probably thought I wanted to race. LOL
Anyway life is good driving a Boss!
How did your drive go today?