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So I Went For a Drive Today

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It's 74 and spectacular out so I grab my kids and go run a few errands in the Boss. On the way home I pull up to a signal with a Ferrari F430 on my left and an Audi A8 on my right. The guy driving the Audi checks out my car and was fixated on my front wheel. Probably wondering why the hell I have such long wheel studs and WTF is going on with my DBA T3 rotors. He looks up and gives me a thumbs up. Nice considering what was on the other side of me. The Ferrari turns left and the Audi and I take off. We hit the next signal and he rolls down his window but didn't say anything. I could tell he was listening to the exhaust, and of course I'm using TK, so when the light turned green I got on it so he could hear what it really sounds like.

I go about a mile and pull alongside a new BWM 550i at another signal. It's some hot looking blonde and she looks the car over and gives me a big smile. I'm thinking: Why do my kids have to be in the car???

I go another mile and into a tunnel under several sets of railroad tracks. I drive through it often and my typical routine is to push in the clutch and rev the engine to redline as is sounds pretty cool echoing in the tunnel. There just happens to be a M3 alongside of me when I do this. He probably thought I wanted to race. LOL

Anyway life is good driving a Boss!

How did your drive go today?
It's 74 and spectacular out so I grab my kids and go run a few errands in the Boss. On the way home I pull up to a signal with a Ferrari F430 on my left and an Audi A8 on my right. The guy driving the Audi checks out my car and was fixated on my front wheel. Probably wondering why the hell I have such long wheel studs and WTF is going on with my DBA T3 rotors. He looks up and gives me a thumbs up. Nice considering what was on the other side of me. The Ferrari turns left and the Audi and I take off. We hit the next signal and he rolls down his window but didn't say anything. I could tell he was listening to the exhaust, and of course I'm using TK, so when the light turned green I got on it so he could hear what it really sounds like.

I go about a mile and pull alongside a new BWM 550i at another signal. It's some hot looking blonde and she looks the car over and gives me a big smile. I'm thinking: Why do my kids have to be in the car???

I go another mile and into a tunnel under several sets of railroad tracks. I drive through it often and my typical routine is to push in the clutch and rev the engine to redline as is sounds pretty cool echoing in the tunnel. There just happens to be a M3 alongside of me when I do this. He probably thought I wanted to race. LOL

Anyway life is good driving a Boss!

How did your drive go today?
I drove my F-150 in the rain (fortunately it wasn't snow) :'( Sounds like you had a great day :D
my boss didnt leave the garage today. I did search the garage for the parts I am going to install on it. starting with the line lock tomorrow. found my BBR adjustable motor mounts, and my steeda UCA and bracket. think I will swap out the pedal assembly here soon with the GT500 piece I bought a while back.
wwilde001 said:
I don't know what neighborhood you live in, but it sounds like it has money to me!
LOL Lots of BMW's and Audi's running around but you don't see Ferrari's every day. There is a local guy that owns an Aventador and shows up at the local EuroSunday events (like cars and coffee). He usually doesn't have it roped off but this photo is from a different event and right after he purchased it. FYI I live in CA so lots of imports here.

cbj5259 said:
Today all I did was dream about driving the boss.. currently at work in the work sled :-\

It was 60 today,, I washed and waxed mine, then went on a little grin maker ride.
gsw166 said:
It was 60 today,, I washed and waxed mine, then went on a little grin maker ride.

Yeah it was beautiful today. If I recall you are not far from where I am. Unfortunately I am on night shift so I slept all day and didn't get to enjoy it :'(
Good for a few more weeks before i can get mine out!!

Justin said:
my boss didnt leave the garage today. I did search the garage for the parts I am going to install on it. starting with the line lock tomorrow. found my BBR adjustable motor mounts, and my steeda UCA and bracket. think I will swap out the pedal assembly here soon with the GT500 piece I bought a while back.

Keep us posed on that line lock job...i am very interested in that!
72 in Houston today... Took the Boss around for errands, saw 2 older Gallardos running around. Those cars sound so great w exhaust.
awesome. i also drove mine last night/this am
although my drive was no so un-eventfull. i was in a higher speed right hand sweeping turn slightly elevated and on the throttle hard when i lost all of my wisdom and powershifted a 3rd gear at or about 8k
the car has been really responding to the mods lately and when i initiated the shift i knew right there i had flubbed up.
she jumped her ass out to the left hard and the pirellis bite harder. long story short is i was looking at two differant jersey barriers. but i was able to control it from that point and made a most tick trip back tot he car hole....

has any one else noticed at or about 1500 ,miles there cars getting a lil bit stronger?
The guy driving the Audi checks out my car and was fixated on my front wheel. Probably wondering why the hell I have such long wheel studs and WTF is going on with my DBA T3 rotors.

gremlinsteve said:
has any one else noticed at or about 1500 ,miles there cars getting a lil bit stronger?

Noticed it about then. I think 1,400 or so for me. Felt like a new car.

Today's drive was in the GT, but not as interesting...
Chased down and reeled in an Evo in a narrow left lane sweeper. I was surprised that he thought he could stay out of my way.
Grant 302 said:
Chased down and reeled in an Evo in a narrow left lane sweeper. I was surprised that he thought he could stay out of my way.
I drove my Boss to work on Friday and took my "new" boss to lunch. Her husband tracks an Evo and she knew exactly what my car was. "Wow you have a Boss 302! I can't wait to tell my husband". So they know we're out there. ;)

Bob I hope the roads dry up for you today. Have fun out there.
Drove mine to work on Friday. It was sunny and 68 here in Madison Ms. On Sat. afternoon my son and his girlfriend, my wife and I took the old and new boss to a local cruise. Had a ball the drew planty attention together. Plan on driving the 13 to Pensacola for the Gulf coast regional mustang show.

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