Coming home about 1 AM last night from watching a great blues band. Dropped my buddy by his car, a 2007 V6 Stang, and headed home. He passed me as we were heading down a road that apparently is notorious among the local police for street racing. I guess that because there were 2 Mustangs going about 45-50 in a 35, (Yes, we were speeding. Guilty as charged) this cop assumes that there is "racing" going on and pulls my buddy over and cites him for street racing. Wierd thing was that the police officer passed the bright green, obnoxiously loud Boss in order to pull the V6 over. Oh, and apparently the cop DID tell my buddy that the locals know my car and are gunning for it. Even though I've never done a thing. Nice. That also makes it even stranger that he passed me to pull my buddy over.
Anyway, my buddy (40 year old father of 2) is now gonna have to spend a fortune to defend himself against a charge of which he is completely innocent.
No real point to this post, just venting. And saying be careful, we are targets.
Coming home about 1 AM last night from watching a great blues band. Dropped my buddy by his car, a 2007 V6 Stang, and headed home. He passed me as we were heading down a road that apparently is notorious among the local police for street racing. I guess that because there were 2 Mustangs going about 45-50 in a 35, (Yes, we were speeding. Guilty as charged) this cop assumes that there is "racing" going on and pulls my buddy over and cites him for street racing. Wierd thing was that the police officer passed the bright green, obnoxiously loud Boss in order to pull the V6 over. Oh, and apparently the cop DID tell my buddy that the locals know my car and are gunning for it. Even though I've never done a thing. Nice. That also makes it even stranger that he passed me to pull my buddy over.
Anyway, my buddy (40 year old father of 2) is now gonna have to spend a fortune to defend himself against a charge of which he is completely innocent.
No real point to this post, just venting. And saying be careful, we are targets.