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S197 The return of Celeste Build Thread Profile - S197 Mustangs

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This car, Celeste, originally belonged to @Vettel-ish (Andy). Build thread of the car before I owned it is located here:

Andy put her up for sale in the summer of 2023 to buy a full blown S197 race car. At that time, I had inquired about the car as I had been thinking about getting into a more serious track car. Ultimately the timing just didn't work out, and Celeste was sold to a really great guy down in Alabama who wanted to use her as more of a canyon carver and hit the tail of the dragon a couple times a year.

Fast forward to about a month ago, and I receive a text from Andy saying the car was back up for sale with the guy in Alabama. I had been kicking myself for passing up the opportunity to get into such a well built and sorted car, and jumped on it this time. I called the owner down in Alabama the next morning, decided we could meet in Nashville a week later to do the sale, and I bought a one way ticket to Tennessee for $160 bucks. Prior to picking up Celeste, I sold my first Mustang, my "budget" track car. That car taught me a lot and I really did have some doubt about letting her go, but she went to a good home and I moved on to a much more track capable car for a very minimal difference in price between what I sold her for and what I picked up Celeste for.

The guy in Alabama had put 800 miles on the car since he had bought it from Andy. The car had not even had an oil change since Andy had sold it. I landed in Nashville on a Saturday morning at 10am, and was on the road back to Chicago by 11am.


I cannot begin to describe how differently this car drives than my previous car. The suspension is so well sorted it handles like a new German car rather than a 13+ year old Mustang. It is so confidence inspiring. The built engine obviously makes a ton more power than I am used to but is such a blast. Sounds so good but also so different than a normal Coyote.

My first track weekend was scheduled for Gingerman on April 27th/28th, but @Tonymustang302 convinced me to hit the track this weekend (tomorrow) so I had to give the car a brake bleed and oil change after work this last week.

Well after taking the wheel off, I found a huge crack in the front driver side rotor, and saw the pads had uneven wear with the back side pads being worn down to the metal. Good thing the car came with some spare parts that included new Girodisc rotors and G-Loc pads. Replaced front rotors and pads, did the brake bleed in the dark, and finished off with an oil change. She is ready for a shake down this weekend.




Anyone know this guy? Sounds like a tool




Man, that needed to be done.


Looking forward to documenting all the new adventures with this car. I am most happy about bringing this car back into the TMO family. This forum is special as while it is not the largest online community, it's a very tight knit community and I can honestly call the people I've met through here friends and look forward to hanging out at the track with everyone.

Only thing this car will need going forward is meticulous maintenance, and maybe some cool decals like Andy had on her so I can look like a cool race car guy too.
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Anyone know this guy? Sounds like a tool

Man - before I saw the picture I was like "I bet that's going to be Tony's name"

Congrats on the purchase! You going to bring it to Road America July 4 weekend?

Looking forward to hearing how it does at Autobahn.

You will get to see Tony's new Renegade too!

O and reach out whenever. I know a little bit about that car.

You already know I'll be calling you with questions haha. When we link up at Gingerman in June I'd love for you to take her for a spin around the track and I can ride along to see what she's capable of with a more experienced driver.

Man - before I saw the picture I was like "I bet that's going to be Tony's name"

Congrats on the purchase! You going to bring it to Road America July 4 weekend?

Hahaha, he qualifies too 😂

Ugh, seems like that event is the one to make this year. I already have plane tickets booked with the wife for a trip to Banff National Park that week. Will make sure to block off the calendar for the Road America weekend next year and be there. Hoping we can meet in person sometime soon!
Congratulations! I love good stories and happy to see Celeste is back! I hope "Budget" went to a TMO member. She was also well sorted and turnkey track ready.

I saw that. Nothing like cruising @ 90 ha ha. They just don't feel right below 80 on an open road....
Congratulations! I love good stories and happy to see Celeste is back! I hope "Budget" went to a TMO member. She was also well sorted and turnkey track ready.

I saw that. Nothing like cruising @ 90 ha ha. They just don't feel right below 80 on an open road....
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People were hauling ass. I thought the speedo was off because I was cruising at almost 100 and people were still coming up to pass me. Cops were out in full force, kept getting warnings on my navigation for speed checks and saw at least 5 cars pulled over on the way home. I cruised at 90 for 7 hours and had no license plate on the car. Felt pretty lucky lol
Such a cool story!

I65 going north out of Nashville ... honestly as you get closer to Bowling Green KY speeds really pickup. I was cruising at 105 once with all sorts of cars, minivans included and I'm like what the heck, kinda bonkers. Speeds increase heading south on I65 as you get close to and past Alabama state line.

These cars sound and feel so good when cruising at 90+.
Had a great day out at Autobahn yesterday with @Tonymustang302

In a nutshell, I passed a Ferrari, Porsche GT3, and got absolutely smoked by a 95 Miata all in the same session 😂

The car is an absolute monster on track. My first session out I was very rusty and had to relearn some of the lines I practiced with NASA back in October. I was also not used to the auto blip and played around with downshifting for that first session.

Each session after that I became faster and more comfortable with the car. The new brakes had a very strong bite. I was blown away with how much stopping power they provided. I LOVE the auto blip- the downshifts sounded so crisp and aggressive. The calimer transmission shifts very crisp and smooth.

Zero drama otherwise. The tires were 340 thread wear continental sports which were definitely the limiting factor other than my driving skills. The car and suspension were telling me it could be pushed much harder, but the tires started slipping and I knew they were on the edge. Came in too hot on a corner in the last session and pretty much drifted in and had to save the car from spinning out. Might have been my fault but I think some stickier tires could have probably handled it.


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