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Complete 2013 Boss 302 audio system upgrade

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It's widely known that the OEM audio system in the 2012/2013 Boss Mustang is the cheapest and lowest quality available for a Mustang. Not knocking Ford for this, this model is touted as 'a race car with a license plate', so anyone who expects good tunes from the factory will be in for a big disappointment. The speakers are suitable for AM radio only, and the head unit lacks power. The sad part is, if you just replace all of the 6x8 speakers with any decent coaxial, you will quickly discover that the signal quality and lack of power requires a complete replacement of the head unit.

Once you know you need to replace the head unit, finding a replacement dash panel is required. I really wasn't too impressed with the appearance of the Metra & Scoche kits, and was glad to see the iDatalink Maestro kit hit the market. I was critical of the initial cost when this was released, but I got lucky and snagged the ADS-KIT-MUS1 and RR module for 249$ new/shipped from eBay. I couldn't be happier with the quality, fit and finish. Props to the manufacturer, iDatalink really impresses with their product line, engineering, web site, and attention to detail. The fact that we have 12v Guy here to answer questions and offer help and advice is a much appreciated bonus.

Since I had tried the incremental upgrade approach - replace all speakers - suck - add PAC Audio interface to feed amplifier - more suck, fail - it was time to go whole hog. So the time came to put together a list of components and materials. Since I had already installed an old, scratch that, *ancient* Yamaha 4ch amp to power the JL Audio coaxials, I already have the amp install kit installed. Now it's one inline fuse and wires run through the firewall from the pre-cut hole in the firewall thanks to the sound tube delete kit grommet. My arm is sore from patting myself on the back for running TWO power wires, as I knew I would be adding a second amp. I figured I could address the need for a 2nd fuse later (now if recommended), but at least that part is done.

Another reason my shoulder is sore, is that I came up with an innovative way to temporarily mount the amplifier in the trunk. I got some industrial strength tie wraps, and looped them around the rear deck and seat area. From those I was able to suspend the amp by running another set of tie wraps through the 4 corner mount holes of the amp through the loops created by the 1st set of tie wraps around the body panels. The beauty of this setup is that you can adjust the tension of the wraps as needed. A piece of foam can be wedged between the rear deck to prevent the amp from bouncing upward in event of a hard bump. This setup is also quite handy as you can snip the secondary set of ties to 'uninstall' the amp so you can make adjustments as needed, and then re-tie. I may copy the plywood and angle bracket setup shown in clucas build thread for my amps.

On a side note, using this old amp wasn't such a hot idea. After a few weeks use, one of the channels started to fail. As a side effect, Sync voice prompts ceased to function, even after yanking the battery cable and performing a factory reset. Once the faulty amp was removed, Sync functions returned.

The equipment list (links provided for reference only, all gear purchased through Amazon, Parts-Express, or Ebay);

Kenwood DNX690HD
iDatalink ADS-KIT-MUS1 & RR Module
Crunch Audio DRA 1450.4 4x175w
Infinity Kappa 6.5 60.11cs
Dayton Audio RS-255-8
Cerwin Vega HEDBK212

When I bought my Boss, I knew I would be upgrading the audio, so I purchased a pair of GT Premium door panels, complete with all hardware and switches.


As I was having a hard time finding some JL ZR-800s for a decent price, I picked up a pair of Dayton Audio RS-255s. Great reviews and feedback on these, and I'm very happy with the pair of 10" Dayton Audio powered subwoofers, so I'm liking the brand so far.


No comparison to the wimpy & cheap stock speaker.


So the first order of business is to remove the stock door panels, remove the JL Audio coxials, and re-purpose the OEM speaker bracket to house the 6.5" Infinity driver. The problem using the bracket is that now there is open air space on either side. The solution was cut out material from a heavy duty storage tote. I had tried a small tote, but the plastic was brittle, but the bigger green tote lid was just right. Once I'm ready for final install, I will seal up the bracket surface & tote material with silicone adhesive.


As this post is already long, the component tweeter & Dayton woofer install will follow.
Just replacing the stock speakers in my Boss made a huge difference. Maybe look for a single aftermarket amp.
Pix of the new eXcelon head unit upgrade coming. Coupled with the Kenwood HD dashcam that you can see live through the head unit is pretty awesome.
Sorry to bump an older thread, but I am curious if @ace72ace has any photos with additional details on how and where he installed the crossovers? I saw you mentioned Velcro attachment and zip ties for certain aspects, but would like to know more. As you noted, there is not much space behind the panel so a proven location and mount would be great to know going into this project.

I will be keeping the OEM navigation I installed a couple of years back and adding the premium panels with the Kappa setup you recommended and likely an AudioControl LC-6.1200 amp and DSP. Still trying to decide on the 8” woofer. May use a matching ohm speaker from a home tower unit if that style is still in short supply.
Sorry to bump an older thread, but I am curious if @ace72ace has any photos with additional details on how and where he installed the crossovers? I saw you mentioned Velcro attachment and zip ties for certain aspects, but would like to know more. As you noted, there is not much space behind the panel so a proven location and mount would be great to know going into this project.

I will be keeping the OEM navigation I installed a couple of years back and adding the premium panels with the Kappa setup you recommended and likely an AudioControl LC-6.1200 amp and DSP. Still trying to decide on the 8” woofer. May use a matching ohm speaker from a home tower unit if that style is still in short supply.
Hey there, it’s been a while. I can’t recall what I set any manual settings on the front separate component speakers, but I tweak everything now through the Kenwood head unit.
Hey there, it’s been a while. I can’t recall what I set any manual settings on the front separate component speakers, but I tweak everything now through the Kenwood head unit.
Thank you, Ace. I was actually asking about the physical placement of your crossover in the door. You provided many great pictures, but I did not see where you placed the actual crossover behind the door panel and how it was secured.

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