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Just Venting......

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Epic Contributor
Hello everyone, Just venting here, as the wait for my CO BOSS continues.When my Boss adventure began, I filled out a quote request on line for the BOSS on the Ford website. At the time, I had no idea this was a "very limited production vehicle" & thought orders for the Boss could be put in "at will". My request for a quote was forwarded to the dealer closest to me ( about 5 miles away ). Shortly after, I received an email from the dealership saying they only had one allocation for 2012, for a regular Boss. They were commanding a 5k ADM. It was also revealed that it was a 4q allocation with a late August/September ETA. Paranoia set in and I wanted to put my order in before this allocation was gone. I was there 2 days later with my 5k nonrefundable deposit & my order was made on 4/6/11. As time went on, I started thinking that 4q allocation would begin in October...right? This would make an Aug/Sept ETA seem impossible. When I questioned My guy at the dealership about this, he said that since this was a"committed order" it would take priority over uncommitted allocations that were just made to fill the showroom, thus a late summer ETA was possible. Does anyone know for sure if this guy is on the level or am I looking at a late fall ETA now? It's only been 5 weeks since I put the order in, But depression is starting to sink in.Any cheerful news!
You can get your car by September or sadly it could be Feburary of next year. Ford has skewed the model year of the Mustang with the 2011 GT/V6 launch and has continued with the 2012. The 2012 model year is set from what I have heard to run until July 2012 which would put Mustang back on a September to July MY. Your car should have gone in as a 'customer sold' ask to see the DORA sheet from your dealer, if they can't show you then it is because Ford has no accepted the order yet and it is really not programmed. They can't legally hold your money though they can be a pain in the ass about giving it back so don't give up on finding a car that is out there and will sell for MSRP or at least less than $5k over. Lot's of guys here paid sticker for Job 1 Bosses so look out for one.
Good luck

I wish I could say I've got good news for you but this post will not reflect so. I too placed an order for a Boss and was told it's a 3Q allocation......but I placed my order on 2-14-11 with a 2Q allocation order the dealership had sold.

I first asked if my order is put in not only with a 2Q allocation but also before 3Q sales begun would I get it any earlier? My salesman was unsure but felt it could be a possibility but a long-shot at that.

So, I made several calls to Ford Customer Relations who informed me my order is in but had not been scheduled and on a "material hold." An inside person (Blue Oval) stated to me a 3Q sale would be a 3Q build.....and with recent shutdowns of the plant and delayed production the delivery could be later than expected.

With everything said, I hate to say your 4Q allocation will not come anytime sooner than a 4Q sale. Maybe (I am hoping) I'm wrong with this possibility but it's beginning to look more and more like the truth.

Congrats on your order! From everyone who already has theirs, I've been told it's worth every bit of the wait!
Well, my birthday's in November..Maybe I'll get it then...heck of a present if I do say so myself. I just hope we don't get an early winter ( in New England),so I can enjoy my new ride for at least a couple of weeks. All you guys that got your BOSSES already don't realize how lucky you are! Then again, maybe you do.IN fact, I'm sure you do!!!! 11

Congratulations on your soon to be Boss. You will enjoy just starring at your Boss if the weather doesn't allow you to drive it. Hang in there! I purchased the CO Boss and it's a beauty!
302BOB said:
I filled out a quote request on line for the BOSS on the Ford website. At the time, I had no idea this was a "very limited production vehicle" & thought orders for the Boss could be put in "at will".
I understand your frustration but the information that the Boss cars would be limited production was out in August 2010. The allocation scheme was out in November. I little more research up front would have saved you some grief. Regardless you're waiting just like the rest of us so sit back and relax and join the conversation. ;)
302BOB said:
Well, my birthday's in November..Maybe I'll get it then...heck of a present if I do say so myself. I just hope we don't get an early winter ( in New England),so I can enjoy my new ride for at least a couple of weeks. All you guys that got your BOSSES already don't realize how lucky you are! Then again, maybe you do.IN fact, I'm sure you do!!!! 11
I feel very very lucky ;D Actually it was part of the reason I didn't hold out for a Laguna Seca since I knew I'd be looking at a 3rd or 4th Q car and didn't want to wait. When my dealer told me they would sell me their very early Q1 car I jumped on it and am really glad I did. Even more so now with the delays. It will be worth the wait guys. Sorry it's taking so long.
steveespo said:
You can get your car by September or sadly it could be Feburary of next year. Ford has skewed the model year of the Mustang with the 2011 GT/V6 launch and has continued with the 2012. The 2012 model year is set from what I have heard to run until July 2012 which would put Mustang back on a September to July MY.

What you said makes a lot of sense, the quarters look like they will go more then 3 months at this rate. If it holds true it will be nice, at least for me, in many ways. First I get to enjoy my car longer with out aging. Second if the model year goes longer then there should be a bigger total number of 12's built. If Ford holds true to the 4000 number, the Bosses will be a smaller percentage of overall model year. It is still the same number of Bosses just a smaller percentage and I think that helps the Boss remain more exclusive.

Ford should have a good year with the Mustang but I think gas prices have hurt some and will continue that trend. lets hope that will turn around, they have enough gold plated airplanes over there anyway. While I did not buy the Boss with gas mileage in mind it still sucks paying what I am for a small tank.
I just paid $4.56 a gal for premium gas this past weekend here in CT, but that won't matter when I get my BOSS because ( to quote something I read somewhere ) "it won't be the miles per gallon that matter, it'll be the smiles per gallon that do". I just hope gas lines & rationing, that happened in the 70's, never return.
The wait was agonizing and mine sat in the lot for weeks before it left. It is defiantly worth the wait. Why can't they just build these cars and get them to the people that want them but they don't. I got an LS and let me tell you it is hard to park it. I just want to keep driving it. You will without question love it but I feel for you in the waiting.
steveespo said:
You can get your car by September or sadly it could be Feburary of next year. Ford has skewed the model year of the Mustang with the 2011 GT/V6 launch and has continued with the 2012. The 2012 model year is set from what I have heard to run until July 2012 which would put Mustang back on a September to July MY.

If Ford follows the trend they have been for the S197 Mustangs since 2010, the 2012 model year would end in Dec 2011, with the order banks opening for the 2013s that same month. Production could then start in Jan 2012.
Can't wait for Trackey to come on board & see what everybody says about driving with the activated red key although it will probably make my wait for my BOSS more agonizing but more worth it.
Still wondering what the Trackey will change as far as performance is concerned. We all know the "lopey" idle will kick in. There's also rumors the 155 mph limiter will be disabled, which would make sense if you're driving on a track. The one rumor I don't see happening is the one about the 7500 rpm limit going up to maybe over 8000 grand. I think the gauge in the car is set at 7500 for a reason.
I know that the track key software has not been released but when I asked about the red key being programmed I was told that it had been programmed. So I tried both keys and I do hear a difference in the sound at idle vs the white key. I have not driven the car using the red key yet.
BossMan said:
I know that the track key software has not been released but when I asked about the red key being programmed I was told that it had been programmed. So I tried both keys and I do hear a difference in the sound at idle vs the white key. I have not driven the car using the red key yet.

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