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Northwoods Shelby Club Open Track Events (Road America/Autobahn/Blackhawk Farms)

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So drive half way , stop for gas, then drive another 4 hours. See, two trips of 4 hours, works out just fine.

i need to get a CB radio so i can talk to the handle can be “turn signal” for when i use them on track.

where am i going to sleep. Are their amenities?
Using Paul Harvey's " The Rest of the Story, " I can add some background on the yellow splitter guard on the Challenger SRT8s, Hellcats, Demons, etc. Mark Jorgensen and I ( Mark was the Woodhouse Motorsports Director and now is Parts and Shop Mgr for our Bentley Store ) have always been accused of being quite anal about the cars we got in ( Vipers, SRT Challengers , SRT8 Jeeps, etc. ) and we always had two individuals check in the vehicles when they came off the trucks. The front chin splitter was invariably scraped, so we would note it on the shipping release form and order a new one 75% of the time. The splitter is super low , right at build specs, and knowing our customers were super picky too, we made sure this problem was addressed. FCA noticed number of replacements going to Woodhouse and actually contacted us about the issue and we suggested they look into the problem Nationwide. It appeared to be more of a concern than anyone realized and a remedy was then in the works. We actually got a call from a very well known FCA Executive ( true gearhead himself ) letting us know we would no longer have a problem. The yellow guards were born, and I will have to admit I did not expect the desire to have them stay on, but customers insisted they not be removed. I think it is a bit funny, but over the years I have seen so many peculiar things happen in the automotive industry I kind of go with the flow .

No haters now, I sell a bunch of Fords too, and I own a Blue Oval Boss Beast !!
@Bill Pemberton , I had a good laugh and thought of you when I saw this today!

What a hoot, and I would bet Tim Kuniskis ( Dodge Mgr ) is laughing his butt off. Constant complaints from me and my Viper/SRT Service Director at Woodhouse Dodge about damaged splitters and Tim comes up with this fix. I can see him years later telling his grandkids about all the Challenger models he brought back , the strategy with the Viper, the Demon, etc., and they look at him and say, " But who designed the cool yellow guards for the Challenger splitters?" One has to laugh at the silly things we as humans grab onto and somehow determine are cool!!

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