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Oil pressure loss

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3-5 Years
In gals I've got a '05 mustang GT that has pretty much everything you can do to a GT to it fully built motor fully built trans diff etc so I went out for a shakedown the other day at a SCCA time travel event and since it's a new motor it I was going easy on it so I didn't put a whole lot of pressure on it wasn't trying to break any records or anything but I went off track came back on track and obviously got brought into the pits when I stopped it was making a ticking noise like it was low and pressure I rev'ed it up once or twice and it went away What is y'all's best opinion or what would y'all do to mitigate this problem when I actually go for you know a balls to the wall time any answers or opinions or greatly appreciated I'm trying to save this motor the original motor had 240,000 mi on it it's still a three valve and I'm trying to get the same out of this one so anything that you can offer is greatly appreciated thank you


Don't ever rev a wounded engine.
Usually 3 valve ticks are related to dropping oil pressure and the timing chain tensioner. I've seen 4 valve car spit the chain off on pit road, mangling the drive train.
So I guess you need to just plumb an actual psi gauge in and see what is going on.
So is this the NEW engine? Or does this one have 240K on it. I'm not understanding your post.
Don't ever rev a wounded engine.
Usually 3 valve ticks are related to dropping oil pressure and the timing chain tensioner. I've seen 4 valve car spit the chain off on pit road, mangling the drive train.
So I guess you need to just plumb an actual psi gauge in and see what is going on.
So is this the NEW engine? Or does this one have 240K on it. I'm not understanding your post.
This one is currently maybe 3000 miles on it I definitely need to re tune it cuz it has some cold start issues but other than that it runs fine
This one is currently maybe 3000 miles on it I definitely need to re tune it cuz it has some cold start issues but other than that it runs fine
Well, hook up that oil pressure gauge and make sure. " ticking sounds" can be anything from oil pressure to belts, to valve train.

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