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  • Welcome to the Ford Mustang forum built for owners of the Mustang GT350, BOSS 302, GT500, and all other S550, S197, SN95, Fox Body and older Mustangs set up for open track days, road racing, and/or autocross. Join our forum, interact with others, share your build, and help us strengthen this community!

Oil Presure gauge ?

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Hi All

Just looking at some pictures of the gauge cluster online ,and since I don't have my car yet, I am asking you guys, Is there is a oil pressure gauge. from what I can see there isn't one. Is this what the Ford brochure means by unique 4 gauge cluster. Looks like they removed the oil pressure and volt meter.

302BOB said:
Sounds like my 04 GT has more gauges than the BOSS.....hmmm

Your 04 GT has a fake OP gauge. ::) Here's a description from the service manual: The oil pressure gauge is hardwired from the oil pressure switch to the instrument cluster. The oil pressure gauge will indicate either normal or no oil pressure.

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