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Top Gear - America

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So after reading a bunch of snipets on the interweb about the show, I finally got to catch episode 2 last light. I expected the show would be good and all of the negativity was just the typical griping that people like to do. WRONG!

Two good points - The show had two really good segments (at least the idea and how they were shot)

EVO racing down the ski slope - I was shocked that this was even being done and surprised that the EVO could do this. Very cool. It was funny to see them doing the standard Top Gear style where you can't tell who wins until the very end.

Aston Martin in the desert - This segment was visually stunning. Seeing those cars with the dust trails rolling in the wind was really cool.

The bad - the obvious scripting and acting is awful. I was cringing the whole show. The guy in the plaid shirt is racing a V12 vantage across a dry lake bed at 150mph and can barely muster any excitement (why not get a real car guy to do this). In my mind I could hear Clarkson...EPPPIIIIICCCCCCCCCCC!

So all they need to do to fix this is to teach Clarkson and crew a Yank accent and have them do the show. Maybe Tanner and Plaid will get their acts together.
I caught the first episode, and it was enough to turn me off. I didn't watch ep 2, and won't watch any more unless I hear they have some neat car to show off. In all fairness, I've cut back watching the UK Top Gear, because I've think they've been going downhill lately.
Vince said:
I caught the first episode, and it was enough to turn me off. I didn't watch ep 2, and won't watch any more unless I hear they have some neat car to show off. In all fairness, I've cut back watching the UK Top Gear, because I've think they've been going downhill lately.

or you could just turn the sound off....of course you'd miss the engines.
Mark said:
Vince said:
I caught the first episode, and it was enough to turn me off. I didn't watch ep 2, and won't watch any more unless I hear they have some neat car to show off. In all fairness, I've cut back watching the UK Top Gear, because I've think they've been going downhill lately.

or you could just turn the sound off....of course you'd miss the engines.

Here's an idea - Maybe the producers could improve it by making the left channel just for their voices, forced studio laughter, etc, and the right channel for everything else. When the show comes on, I completely shut off the left channel.
The cast has nothing in common with Jerey Clarkson. The wits gene is not there. They are like having a flat gray car: dull, boring, and no character.

Here are some Jeremy quotes I found in Google:

“I’m sorry, but having a DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch.”

“… the last time someone was as wrong as you, was when a politician stepped off an aeroplane in 1939 waving a piece of paper in the air saying there will be no war with Germany ”

Illustrating the lack of power of a Boxster: “It couldn’t pull a greased
stick out of a pig’s bottom”

On the Vauxhall Vectra VXR: “there is a word to describe this car: it begins with ‘s’ and ends with ‘t’ and it isn’t soot

“The Suzuki Wagon R should be avoided like unprotected sex with an Ethiopian transvestite”

“The air conditioning in a Lambos used to be an asthmatic sitting in the dashboard blowing at you through a straw.”

“Koenigsegg are saying that the CCX is more comfortable. More comfortable than what… BEING STABBED?”

“This is the Renault Espace, probably the best of the people carriers. Not that that’s much to shout about. That’s like saying ‘Ooh good I’ve got syphilis, the BEST of the sexually transmitted diseases.’”

“I don’t understand bus lanes. Why do poor people have to get to places quicker than I do?”

Clarkson’s highway code on cyclists: “Trespassers in the motorcars domain, they do not pay road tax and therefore have no right to be on the road, some of them even believe they are going fast enough to not be an obstruction. Run them down to prove them wrong.”

“Britain’s nuclear submarines have been deemed unsafe…probably because they don’t have wheel-chair access.”

On Mandela’s claim that Cuba is a good advert for democracy: “Well Mr Mandela why don’t you go and ask one of the 12 year old Cuban prostitutes which way her parents voted?”

“Now we get quite a lot of complaints that we don’t feature enough affordable cars on the show……so we’ll kick off tonight with the cheapest Ferrari of them all!”

On the Lotus Elise: “This car is more fun than the entire French air force crashing into a firework factory.”

“Sure it’s quiet, for a diesel. But that’s like being well-behaved… for a murderer.”

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