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WI / IL area track days

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Gingerman next weekend with @Tonymustang302 run by GPS Track Time. Shaping up to be a rainy weekend- we'll see. Will be a good learning experience.

Sunday May 19th I'll be hitting Blackhawk Farms for the first time. Both @Vettel-ish and @Tonymustang302 are registered as well. @dragoon and @MrBD1348 think you can make it out that day? Would be a fun TMO gathering. Think Tony and I are bringing the dogs and his daughter / my wife and a little Weber for some grilling.

To be honest, once you said the dogs were coming… I was in. Hopefully I get new tires before then. Really hating the Nittos after today. Good tire to use if you’re getting beginner level seat time… but absolute garbage if you’re trying to push yourself.

also g-loc pads make me feel so much more comfortable braking later.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
Gingerman next weekend with @Tonymustang302 run by GPS Track Time. Shaping up to be a rainy weekend- we'll see. Will be a good learning experience.

Sunday May 19th I'll be hitting Blackhawk Farms for the first time. Both @Vettel-ish and @Tonymustang302 are registered as well. @dragoon and @MrBD1348 think you can make it out that day? Would be a fun TMO gathering. Think Tony and I are bringing the dogs and his daughter / my wife and a little Weber for some grilling.

@MrBD1348 @dragoon if you come out i can talk james into wearing a muscle shirt for eye candy.
May 19th at Blackhawk ?? Organizer ?? Sunday before Mid-O ??
Just got the NASA Mid-Ohio email from the group leader in HPDE3. Same run group as @Vettel-ish & @Tonymustang302. Looked at the schedule for this event during Memorial Day weekend. Andy gave me a heads up on how NASA does their events & it looks like it‘s going to be an outstanding event. This isn’t your run of the mill track event with an organization that does it part time , not knocking those who I have spent my track $$$ with. This is serious track time, looking forward to seeing those at Mid-Ohio. Thanks Andy for pointing me in this direction !!
Just registered with NWSC for Road America on Friday, July 5th and Saturday, July 6th. Solo outing for me as the paddock queen is on the IL.
I look forward to seeing the regular suspects along with some drivers that came some distance to run RA !!
I”ll be there. Andy too if he doesnt find an excuse like always
Honeybadger will be there
Looking forward to it Tony. Posted over in the HB thread for Kevin. TMS on Saturday !! Finally faces to names time. I’ll have a track alignment for the first time as MM is doing the camber plate set screw release for camber and toe adjustment.
Successful weekend at Blackhawk. Weather was great except for a stray shower Saturday morning during drivers meeting, lasting through the first runs of all groups. During that time, few went out, lots of tire spray and lots of offs. As the weather improved, the track filled up which on a short track is frustrating because in our group, the grid line was so long, some drivers had to wait to be released as the 1st to be released got in 2 laps !!

Car handling was completely different as the camber adjustment made the car so much easier to rotate the corners, as of like just begging for more entry speed. It’s like a new car that I’m so fortunate to pilot around the circuit. I didn’t take photos of others on the track between my sessions, I walked around the paddock (without camera phone) and met new people, new cars and revisited old track friends, rehashing our track visits since last time we’ve met.
The best !! Track life !!

Was able to snap some photos of our car, of course, as I was relaxing in our paddock between stints.





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