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501 miles, and got my first driving certificate..............

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Really nice fellow in a car with flashing blue lights gave me a certificate for driving today. This must be some great service that the county does for us. It is not free, however. It will cost me $235.50 for the award. For doing 80 is a 55, the price doesn't seem too steep. I am just glad that he showed up when he did, because I was coming out of some hard curves, and was about to floor it on a long stretch down by the lake.

:D Congratulations. I've gotten several of those myself.

What you'll have to do to claim it is go downtown and see some dude in a black robe. The time and date should be written on the certificate.

After you pay, award credits are added to your account.
Jeff Quinn said:
Really nice fellow in a car with flashing blue lights gave me a certificate for driving today. This must be some great service that the county does for us. It is not free, however. It will cost me $235.50 for the award. For doing 80 is a 55, the price doesn't seem too steep. I am just glad that he showed up when he did, because I was coming out of some hard curves, and was about to floor it on a long stretch down by the lake.

Jeff didn't take you long.

AHHH....the price of having fun. My guess is there are a lot of great drivers on the forum that will be joining the list getting these certificates.

Don't forget to have it framed and added to your man cave.
When my wife came home, I told her that I got my first ticket in The Boss, and she stated: "I hope it wasn't some piddly little 45 in a 30 or something like that!"
She seemed pleased when I told her I was coming out of the tight curves doing 80, and was about to drop a gear and floor it.

I thought I was going to get my very own certificate today. For some reason he didn't come after me though. Sometimes it's hard to keep the beast at bay ;D
Radar detectors are worth their weight in 5W-50. My Beltronics 955 was purchased two weeks before I took delivery. My last one in the truck saved me about 8 times. The only time I got a ticket was when I didn't believe it...
Fat Boss said:
Radar detectors are worth their weight in 5W-50. My Beltronics 955 was purchased two weeks before I took delivery. My last one in the truck saved me about 8 times. The only time I got a ticket was when I didn't believe it...
+1 The one I had was obsolete and I've been thinking about buying another. The current crop does allow you to update so you don't have to keep buying the latest and greatest when the constables upgrade their tools, correct?

jimprw said:
Fat Boss said:
Radar detectors are worth their weight in 5W-50. My Beltronics 955 was purchased two weeks before I took delivery. My last one in the truck saved me about 8 times. The only time I got a ticket was when I didn't believe it...
+1 The one I had was obsolete and I've been thinking about buying another. The current crop does allow you to update so you don't have to keep buying the latest and greatest when the constables upgrade their tools, correct?


If you do a lot of city driving the Escort 9500 seems to be the best. The GPS function allows the unit to learn and filter out random signals on routes that you regularly drive so you do not have to ignore false hits as well as maintaining a data base of traffic light cameras. They also have just come out with an app that networks the detectors together so that if someone else in your area gets a hit it will notify where that hit was before you get to the area. If you do more open road driving then the Valentine V1 seems to be the better option for its range but it does not have the GPS function. In either case laser jammers are a good investment as well.
WOW... I must be really special then, I got (3) awards in the past 12 months and the cheapest I had to pay for mine was $289. The most expensive one was $366 !! i also just found out that because they added those 12 creditsw to my account they are going to allow me to be chauffered to and from places for the next 30 days!!! They are going to be polite enough to hold onto my license for me for those 30 days. Florida is such a SWELL place to live!!

Oh, I earned all of those certificates in my 2011 Chevy Impala LT in Victory Red.....
These are the resons I have a radar detector and a laser jammer no tickets yet but they have saved me several times so far ;D
Jeff Quinn said:
BossFred said:
A radar detector and common sense our your friends ;D

I will likely get the best radar detector that I can find, but did a search on Amazon, and could find nothing on this "common sense" thing to which you refer. I might have to try to get along without that. :)


Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure the Common Sense kit comes with the Grow Up package.

I never got either, so I'm probably not the best person to ask.
(2) of my 3 speeding tickets were bullshit as far as I am concerned. Cars all going the same speed and somehow the bright red Impala was the only car to get pulled over. Both were for 7 over the speed limit on I-75 (77 in 70 zone)
I live in MD but work in VA and frequently drive through DC. VA and DC are about the only places left in the country that OUTLAW radar detectors. Just having one can get you a "certificate" and they even use radar detector detectors. Since my Comp Orange Boss does not exactly blend into its surroundings I find I generally drive SLOWER in the Boss than I do in my daily driver Subaru or my wife's SUV. That's why I need a regular dose of track from time to time!

Now for road trips outside of VA or DC I break out the trusty Valentine One. A bit pricey but IMHO the best detector out there.
I'll be investing in a radar detector soon as well.... for my company car not the Boss. I've never had a ticket driving any of my mustangs. I've had (5) in 28 years of sriving, (3) of which were in the past year.
So far, 11 years of driving and I have only heard of these 'certificates' you get awarded for spirited driving. ;) However, I have gotten a scolding from 'the man' on 2 occasions, one was after my undercover Mustang driving police officer stepped in on my behalf and the other was just that, a scolding.

However, if you choose your 'spirited' driving in the right places, i.e. right when a median begins for a 5-0 (not the good kind!), all he can do is flash his lights and wish he could hop a median. Not saying I'm speaking from personal experience, but you know ;)

BTW, knock on wood. :D

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