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Does the 2013 BOSS have "Hill Assist" ?

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I believe I read an article back when the 2013s mustangs were just comming out that a new standard feature called "Hill Assist" was going to be available for the manual transmissions. Did the 2013 Boss come with this feature?
The first time I found out about it was on a hill and wasn't expecting it...chirped the wheels and felt like I was shot out of a canon because I gave it some extra revs as I typically would on a hill.
This is a very good feature. Especially since the car is heavier. Just makes it easier to deal with on steep inclines like driveways and is especially useful in San Francisco.

Wow thats great, so can you completely let off the brake while the clutch is engaged without rolling back at all, even on a steep hill ?
featurecar50 said:
Wow thats great, so can you completely let off the brake while the clutch is engaged without rolling back at all, even on a steep hill ?

I believe the system holds the brakes for 2 seconds then you will start rolling.
Yep, it will hold you for about two seconds on steep hills. When you start to let out the clutch, it disengages. I have to wait first thing before it lets me roll out of my driveway in the morning. You have to be on a certain incline or greater for it to engage. Not sure exactly what the angle is but it is more than about 5 degrees I would say.

Rich_S said:
Makes me glad I got a 2012.
I'd rather have hill assist than skip shift. One could be useful the other never. ;)

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