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Flat Rock shut down next week ??!!

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Bummer. Oh well it's only a week. As far as preorders, there's probably not enough pre-sold Boss production (or parts for that matter) to just run Bosses all week.
It may be part related.
And what do you mean it's only a week :(
Some of us r going nuts!!
Me <~~~~ completely insane j/k
Must be nice to be driving the hottest new car!!!
So jealous !!
Jza1736 said:
It may be part related.
And what do you mean it's only a week :(
Some of us r going nuts!!
Me <~~~~ completely insane j/k
Must be nice to be driving the hottest new car!!!
So jealous !!
I know I know! I was trying to be "optimistic" and keep you from going postal! Trust me I feel your pain and I'm pulling for you guys to get your cars as soon as possible!

OK, I'm going to go drive my car now :)
Jza1736 said:
It may be part related.
And what do you mean it's only a week :(
Some of us r going nuts!!
Me <~~~~ completely insane j/k
Must be nice to be driving the hottest new car!!!
So jealous !!

Almost makes you want to pay 5-10K ADM. ;)
cloud9 said:
Jza1736 said:
It may be part related.
And what do you mean it's only a week :(
Some of us r going nuts!!
Me <~~~~ completely insane j/k
Must be nice to be driving the hottest new car!!!
So jealous !!
I know I know! I was trying to be "optimistic" and keep you from going postal! Trust me I feel your pain and I'm pulling for you guys to get your cars as soon as possible!
Take a video of your drive for us
OK, I'm going to go drive my car now :)
Jza1736 said:
It may be part related.
And what do you mean it's only a week :(
Some of us r going nuts!!
Me <~~~~ completely insane j/k
Must be nice to be driving the hottest new car!!!
So jealous !!

Almost makes you want to pay 5-10K ADM. ;)

NEVER!! I make good money, I just refuse to pay over the MSRP. I'd rather bet it on black!! :)
Back on topic for a moment..Great article Gearhead31, Thanks for posting it. It brings some interesting questions to mind. If Ford has 116 days of inventory supply but normally only stocks say 80 days then what is the holdup on Boss cars? January to March production is aprox 15,419 mustangs "including Boss cars" (per published data) with a 6% mix ratio ( 5% STD Boss & 1% Lagunas ) that would indicate something in the neighborhood of 925 cars. How many Boss Mustangs to this date have actually been mfg? I would take a guess of less than 300. Flat Rock could run a week of "only" Boss Mustangs and catch up but this would most likely expend all their Boss specific inventory ( engines I suspect). If much Boss Mustang parts inventory exists at all.. I read where Ford claimed that all the Boss Mustangs are already spoken for but what will total Mustang yearly sales be? is the 6% figure real?.. at this point no one this why Ford decided to assign Boss cars by quarter alotments in a effort to pace Mustang sales? At the current rate I dont see 3500 Boss units on the horizon if Flat Rock shuts down for even a week unless Boss specific inventory parts increase dramatically and a steady run of Boss cars go down the line. Im just thinking out loud here what is everyones input on this?
Hard to believe. As flexible as that plant is, its hard to believe they have to shut down due to a shortage of parts for one car or another. They were shutdown early in the year due to Ford parts shortage issues, no Mazadas off the line. Then shutdown again after the that plant fire becuse of Mazada parts shortage issues, no Mustangs off the line. Now again due to Ford parts issues and probably some Mazada part shortages now also. Lets have the service parts storage center return all parts to the plant so they can build cars. New cars don't need service, ;) right? This Sucks! Oh well, we will all wake up some day and this will be over and we will be enjoying our cars.
Vince said:
Bosses can only built at the same speed as the slowest vendor can supply parts.

Most manufacturers are using "Just In Time" inventory strategies. You only buy the parts necessary to build something, and just before you actually need it, in order to keep your cash free to invest in other things. It looks good on paper but unfortunately the method can create major problems in your ability to deliver products if one or two of your suppliers cannot meet your demand or required delivery date. This is especially true when you try to shift all of your supplier to "cheaper" overseas suppliers, who will bump your low volume orders for higher volume orders.
Boss2X said:
This Sucks! Oh well, we will all wake up some day and this will be over and we will be enjoying our cars.
Not soon enough for me. I started thinking about buying a new Mustang last July so by the time my car arrives it will be a year! The wait will be worth it I'm sure.
We are by now aware of "LEAN" practices developed by Toyota and sold to American business and most of us know they dont work efficently but managment will normally not hear our voice. Based on this I dont see Flat Rock stocking more inventory or regretabaly returning parts to the line. Therefore I suspect the Boss Mustang production will not increase at a extreamly high rate, most likely good because quality will sometimes desolve. I would sumerize by stating I see production at 300 to perhaps 400 units per quarter and at years end a near total close to that of the 1969 Boss at 1600 units aprox. This does mean that some late 2012 orders could become early 2013 units in theroy. Most of us have waited the 3-3 1/2 months since a order could be placed and a large number for years awaiting the Factory reintroduction but we can survive a little longer cant we..I trust Ford will provide us with cars but not at a very fast rate. For now lets just hope Flat Rock returns to normal and perhaps some UAW overtime is offered. Best to all...
saltshaker said:
I would sumerize by stating I see production at 300 to perhaps 400 units per quarter and at years end a near total close to that of the 1969 Boss at 1600 units aprox. This does mean that some late 2012 orders could become early 2013 units in theroy.
I think you're way off the mark on how many cars they are going to make by quarter and for MY2012. They will deliver their original plan of 4,000 cars as they have previously stated although I think delays will continue. Making 4,000 cars for Ford during a MY is almost a rounding error. 2012MY cars will not become 2013MY cars.

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