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Motor whine at 2k+?

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I noticed a while back that there is a whine that starts at 2k rpm (might be 2.5k, I keep forgetting to write it down) and is drown out by the exhaust and motor noise by about 3.5k rpm, anyone else have this? I assumed it was normal, but figure I might as well ask. It isn't very loud, is totally rpm dependent, and goes away right at the same point it starts if I let the revs drop. Sounds kind of in between a whine and a whistle. I was wondering if it is the point where the cams start shifting since they use hydraulic pressure to move them (I think)? Doesn't sound like a belt.

I also get a lot of weird squeaks and rattles from the brakes when I am off the pedal, not applying them, but I think I just burned off the antiseize on the pins/backing plates based on past experience with Brembos. Brakes and clutch have been pretty solid since Ford replaced my leaking caliper.
My Boss will start to 'whine' at around 60 mph around 2200 rpm, very noticeable on the highway. I'm pretty certain this is the rear axle. Planning on having the dealer check it out for the first oil change. You can confirm your noise if you take your Boss on the highway and have the rear seats folded down so you can more clearly determine the source.
I don't think that is it, since mine is rpm dependent and not speed. It happens at the same rpm in any gear, regardless of load (coasting or accelerating, uphill or downhill). My track car has a diff whine and a trans whine (230k miles), this has more of a whistle to it. If I had to guess I would say it is air or liquid, not a hard part rotating.
Interesting, I can get my whine to stop by just dropping it into neutral. No load, no whine.
Mine seems to come from the front, which is why I don't think it is the same as yours. I could tell if it is normal by riding in another Boss, by my friend sold his to buy a 13 GT500.
when mine is cold it makes a ticking sound I think this is the pistons and once its warm it goes away (its what my built 96 Cobra did as well with forged pistons). The only whine I hear is the transmission at low speeds.

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