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Rebate question

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There is currently a $500 rebate on 2013 Mustangs in my area as long as I "take delivery from dealer stock". My car was ordered by the dealer, and I found it online and put down a deposit. Should I qualify for the rebate?
I dont know but I too had a rebate on same deal last year.... only to find out that dealer stock or not, the BOSS 302 MODEL was not part of the rebate deal ( we called Ford from the dealership and they said no...)
rom said:
I dont know but I too had a rebate on same deal last year.... only to find out that dealer stock or not, the BOSS 302 MODEL was not part of the rebate deal ( we called Ford from the dealership and they said no...)

This is true. The Boss 302, or SVT Vehicles do not apply to any special rebates or incentives. You always hear the radio commercials, and them annouce it at the very end. Of course, they say the sentence at over 100MPH, so you can't really understand. lol
If you go on the Ford web site and look at the incentive fine print, it lists the Boss 302 as an exception. Occasionally Ford screws up and the codes work on the special editions, but Ford squashes it once a few claims come in and they realize their mistake. Maybe if we have a double-dip recession you might see the rebates go on them, but otherwise forget it. That is one of the reasons I bought my GT; with rebates, 0% financing, and X-plan it would have been ridiculous to put myself in hock (further) over a Boss.
coboss said:
There is currently a $500 rebate on 2013 Mustangs in my area as long as I "take delivery from dealer stock". My car was ordered by the dealer, and I found it online and put down a deposit. Should I qualify for the rebate?

I received the same flyer in the mail from Ford. Called my Ford dealer and he said the $500 rebate did not apply to the Boss 302 or GT500. In the fine print it says "incentives may not be available on all trim levels". IMHO, the flyer is deceiving given the entire front page of the flyer is a photo of a 2013 GT500 while most of the back page is a 2013 Boss 302.

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