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Headlight Bezel Trim on 2012 Boss 302

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I noticed that some Boss 302's have a headlight with a plain black bezel. Some others have a chrome-trimmed bezel. My orange has a plain black bezel and cloud9's has a chrome trim around the turn signal-parking light. Both have Recaro-Torsen package. So far I deducted that color and Recaro-Torsen package don't affect the headlight trim. I put up a simple poll and I separated the Laguna Seca package. Let's see if we can see a trend.

Since this board doesn't have poll option, I placed the poll here.
I'm not a member on other forum but for the record mine is a Boss 302 CO with the Chrome trim around the turn signal. Possibly build date change not LS or Street Boss difference that I know of. Mine was built July 21 missed my birthday by one day
Car's final assembly was on 7/19/11. 300'th out of 378 that were black. I'm curious if they did any market testing to have such a large ratio between black and silver.
That's only a couple days apart from Boss2012's car and both have different headlight trims.

Supplier problem ?

The more I think about my whole experience with my LS the more I believe it was just meant to be. I was so close to getting a used GT3 until one of my club members (who actually drives a GT3RS) told be about this car. I had NO clue being totally tuned out of the American market. At first I thought he was kidding. Ends up the only one anywhere near where I live was the one I bought. It could have been pink and I really didn't care, I was just hoping to find one. It ends up the one I bought has even small things (like the black we are discussing) which would be my personal preference if I had a choice of any car I wanted.

All this just makes it harder to wait till April to track it again! ;D
My CO Boss, built in Sept, also has the black bezel. Maybe we need confirmation from Cloud9 that his are, in fact, chrome? I know he had a 1st quarter allocation, so maybe things changed down the road.
Hmmm, mine was built on June 10th.

Boss1309 said:
My Comp Orange was built on the same day as PeteInCt July 18th. I have the chrome trim.
Well that shoots any theories all to hell. My guess is that they made a change after production started and then substituted in chrome as they ran out of black. I think it will take a production line manager to answer this question accurately. ;)
I have the chrome bezels, Boss #569 produced 5/2/2011. kind of makes you wonder what kind of QC Ford has. Same model year car, same model car, different parts. Oh well, I like the black but am just fine with chrome.

It goes back and forth. July CO got chrome trim (although a July KB got black), my Sept CO got black, and Oct CO back to chrome trim.

The only consistency is randomness :eek:

MLM - here is mine (plain black bezel)


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