Nine Lies Racing Wing and mount in back. Splitter is home built from 1/2 MDF plywood. Max size (allowed 6" from outline of bumper looking from top) back to axle centerline (as fas as allowed). Has Professional awesome splitter ramps feeding up into a new fender liner which stops a little less than 1/2 way up to let the vents do their job. Also has AJ Hartman dive planes because after my Nine Lies fiasco, I felt terrible about not just giving AJ all my money in the first place, and they are carbon fiber 
Now that nationals is over, I may play with testing some end plates configs on the splitter. In testing/use so far, gettig any amount of rear downforce is easy with wing adjustment(s). Front downforce, not so much...
Now that nationals is over, I may play with testing some end plates configs on the splitter. In testing/use so far, gettig any amount of rear downforce is easy with wing adjustment(s). Front downforce, not so much...